Kochi Palace Hotel i Kochi

JapanKochi Palace Hotel



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1-18 Nijūdaimachi, Kochi, 780-0843, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-825-0100
internet side: www.kochipalace.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.563117, Longitude: 133.541566

kommentar 5

  • Y A

    Y A


    The front desk was nice. I thought the place to eat on the first floor would be a buffet, but it turned out to be a bit expensive Italian food. It's a shame. I was also surprised to find that the floor of the room was dirty and had dead crickets on it. I'm staying here on a business trip, but I think it would be better to renovate it. It's not bad, but I don't think I'll use it again.

  • Takashi Arai

    Takashi Arai


    I stayed here for several nights in midsummer. The location is just over 5 minutes walk from Kochi Station and Harimaya Bridge. In terms of tram stops, both Kochibashi and Hasuike-dori are within 5 minutes. First of all, I was grateful for the cold tea welcome drink in the lobby. My throat was parched from walking around in the intense heat, so I was really happy. You can also fill your own water bottle or plastic bottle. The breakfast buffet had a wide variety of choices, and the fried foods were especially delicious. The cold drink bar and soft serve ice cream (delicious!) are perfect for this season. Also, I usually don't use hotel pillows because they are too expensive for me, but here I was able to choose memory foam pillows in the lobby, so I was able to get a comfortable night's sleep. They were kind enough to store my luggage and rent a bicycle after I checked out, and I was able to make wonderful memories of Kochi.

  • Ryo Flying

    Ryo Flying


    Located at a great location, walking distance from Kochi Station. I stayed in a single room and it is really small, and the bed was not most comfortable. No flare no extra, but if you are looking for something for yourself and at an economical price, this would be a great place.

  • 山下友主




  • John Ebert

    John Ebert


    A quite decent budget hotel in downtown Kochi. Room was small, but this is not at all uncommon at this hotel's price point. Besides size, the room was fine and the facilities clean, the staff were uniformly professional, but the real standout feature was the breakfast buffet, which was very good. Enormous selection, and everything was tasty. If you're a henro looking to really fuel up in the morning, this is a great place to consider. Note that there's a fair amount of dodgy "nightlife" in the immediate neighborhood, hostess clubs, bars, "massage", etc. 3900 for single room, breakfast was ~1000 yen (and well worth it!)

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