Community Square i Kochi

JapanCommunity Square


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5-chōme-3-20 Honmachi, Kochi, 780-0870, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-823-3211
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Latitude: 33.558185, Longitude: 133.5300089

kommentar 5

  • baked bread

    baked bread


    It's a little far from the center, but it's within walking distance. Parking lot 🅿️ available (free). There is a tram station right in front of you, so we recommend riding to Harimaya Bridge and stopping at various places on your way back. Thursday market is nearby. Close to Sunday market

  • hide amatani

    hide amatani


    The staff was courteous and friendly, and the room was clean, but the sound of the toilet draining and the tub drain being clogged? I'm a little worried because it doesn't come out easily. The location is close to Obiyamachi shopping street. Parking is free, and since it was extremely hot this time, we used the underground parking lot. Entrances and exits are closed from 21:00 to 6:00, so vehicle security is safe.

  • Ym Yu

    Ym Yu


    Stayed on 2024/08. I suddenly lost something that I didn't expect and couldn't move, so I had to suddenly stay overnight, but the assistant manager and the room cleaning staff I spoke to were extremely considerate and helpful. 〇 Surface parking lot available for free. As someone who often runs into vehicle height restrictions, I'm very grateful. 〇 In addition to government offices, Kochi Castle and Hirome Market are nearby. Harimaya Bridge and the center of the entertainment district are also within walking distance at about 1 km. It's easier if you use the streetcar. 〇 There are restaurants, convenience stores, etc. nearby. △ The building facilities are fairly old, but they are sufficient for my personal needs, including maintenance, cleaning, amenities, etc.

  • 澤村猫朗



    Despite the good location, the prices are reasonable. The room called Waraku has a nice view of Kochi Castle. We recommend that you only eat out and make reservations with sleep in mind. There are amenities at the front desk, so don't forget.

  • Juha Berglund

    Juha Berglund


    Nice clean hotel in the city center. Pretty view towards the castle from the upper floors

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