Kiyo Bank Musota Branch en Wakayama

JapónKiyo Bank Musota Branch



🕗 horarios

226-30 Musota, Wakayama, 640-8482, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 73-461-1313
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.261415, Longitude: 135.205694

comentarios 5

  • さめこR



    I often stop by in the evening after work, but the gate on the east side (railway side) closes after 4 o'clock. The Kokawa-Kada Line side is open, but you cannot turn right, so cars wanting to return to Iwade have no choice but to make a U-turn at the traffic light or go around a fairly narrow alley and exit on the east side. To be honest, both are dangerous if you are not careful when driving. Therefore, since it is troublesome during busy hours, I choose ATMs at supermarkets etc. Could you at least make it the same time as the Kada Line side at 5 o'clock?

  • Arisa Shigesato

    Arisa Shigesato


    I realized that there was a big difference between people who were polite and people who weren't, so I stopped going to the counter when I needed help. However, I think it's much better than Kiyo Bank in Fukushima. It's easy to park your car, so it's nice.

  • M M

    M M


    bad attitude The veteran-looking lady responded to the questions in a way that seemed to be from above.

  • もももももも



    I came here to change my name, and the woman who accepted the request was able to move quickly through what seemed like a lengthy process, and I felt good watching her. The way I spoke and dressed was clean and streamlined, and I was grateful that the work was completed sooner than I expected.

  • 餅柏



    The female guide looked at the person and said something. I decided that I no longer wanted to use Kiyo Bank.

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