Kinokuni Shinkin Bank Head Office en Wakayama

JapónKinokuni Shinkin Bank Head Office



🕗 horarios

2 Chome Honmachi, Wakayama, 640-8655, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 73-432-5000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.2344407, Longitude: 135.1747288

comentarios 5

  • 和田吏喬



    Please contact Kinokuni Shinkin Bank's administrative department regarding email addresses, online banking, and apps. A man answered the phone. The usual politeness, but somehow a dark atmosphere? Are you feeling well? It wasn't a business-like response, but it was clear and crisp, yet his tone was kind and easy to understand. Therefore, you can operate it perfectly with your smartphone 👍🏻

  • こたつむりんご



    There is a parking lot in the back, but the white lines are difficult to see, and if the sedan class is placed near the entrance, it will be difficult to go to the back (hard to see). As you pass through the passage leading from the parking lot to the store, there is a counter that looks like a concierge, but be careful as the main store is still beyond that. I think there are only a few ATMs even though it's the main branch.

  • D2



  • 森島良忠



  • S.N.



    Number of ATMs installed: 2 Branch code: 030 Weekdays 8:45-20:00 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 9:00-17:00

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