Kiyo Bank Head Office en Wakayama

JapónKiyo Bank Head Office



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒640-8033 Wakayama, Honmachi, 1-chōme−35−35
contactos teléfono: +81 73-423-9111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.233428, Longitude: 135.174819

comentarios 5

  • いだすけ



    ATMs are open until late on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

  • shulo



    Old-fashioned constitution. Transfer fees are too high. And online banking is quite difficult to use. You should emulate online banking and other banks' online banking. I would like the one-time password to be sent to an email.

  • 原美(く〜ちゃん)



    This is a local bank representing Wakayama Prefecture. I have been taking care of you since I was a child. Due to work commitments, I handle transactions at the head office's sales department, and my personal transactions are also handled by the head office's sales department. Today I used it for address change procedures, investment trust management consultations, and fund cancellation procedures. Although it was busy (I visited around 12:30 noon due to bad timing), I was able to get a reception card and sit on a chair. The lobby manager immediately came to my side to confirm the matter. ``It's a busy time, so please wait for a while. Are you okay with your time today?'', he said to me, and I told him my business and the name of the person in charge who usually takes care of me. The person in charge happened to be visiting a customer and replied that someone else would take care of it. Another person in charge took care of me shortly, and even though I was busy, I had to go through some troublesome procedures and documents, but I was treated with a smile from beginning to end, and I felt comfortable using the service.

  • karugame



    This bank sold the Rokujutani forest to a shady solar power generation company, causing great inconvenience to nearby residents. I feel like I've been forced to pay the price for the failure of the Forest City plan.

  • いけだけい(SANGOLOW)



    Although it may not be as good as the Saitama Resona main store in Kawagoe, a regional bank main store is a place to visit because its appearance supports the local economy and history. However, on the other hand, the vested interests of the previous generation and their brick-built solidity create an atmosphere that seems to be a world apart from the irresistible trends of cashless payments and blockchain. It is also believed that Inari shrines are being worshiped on the roof.

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