Kitano Ace Usui Koriyama Store en Koriyama

JapónKitano Ace Usui Koriyama Store



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Japan, 〒963-8004 Fukushima, Koriyama, Nakamachi, 13−13−1 うすい百貨店
contactos teléfono: +81 24-983-6126
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.3963567, Longitude: 140.3841711

comentarios 5

  • dkj- 777elk

    dkj- 777elk


    I was hooked on Ace Kitano's ``Agoiri Dashi.'' Although I have stopped visiting due to the rising price, it is highly rated because it is easy to make flavorful soup stock.

  • OO ohiohi

    OO ohiohi


    I use it because I can get rare items. I've started going to Seijo Ishii as well, and I'm enjoying each one's strengths and making the most of them.

  • k e

    k e


    The price is high compared to Aeon and Benimaru, but I feel that the taste and quality are worth the price. I think each person has their own financial circumstances, but I personally recommend them. If you look at Koriyama citizens, I feel like there are a lot of people who shop at big stores, etc., which are a little cheaper. I think that's fine. However, once you come here, you'll find some rare things, so I think it's interesting to come here only once in a while.

  • PORSCHE911



    It's more expensive than other supermarkets, but the freshness is very good.

  • すずたー



    You can get rare ingredients and seasonings that are hard to find.

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