Cawachiya en Koriyama




🕗 horarios

Shinikeshita-2-8 Ōtsukimachi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-0201, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 24-962-7288
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.397736, Longitude: 140.317202

comentarios 5

  • Syk818gd



    The parking lot is small, but there are many good deals so I go there when I'm nearby. It's not a big store, but I think it has everything you need.

  • やなさん



    From September 12, 2022, the 100 yen sale on eggs will no longer be available for purchases of 500 yen or more 😭 Up until now, I had come to the store just for that, so even if other products were a little more expensive, I would spend more than 500 yen to buy eggs. Now I will never go to Kawachiya again 😭 It can't be helped because prices are high and there is a rush to raise prices. I'm sorry. →As of December 2022, the sale has been changed to 100 yen eggs for purchases over 1000 yen. →As of March 2023, the egg sale has been changed to 150 yen for purchases over 1500 yen. →As of January 2024, the sale has been changed to 100 yen eggs for purchases over 1500 yen. →As of April 2024, the egg sale has been changed to 150 yen for purchases over 1500 yen.

  • 靴下猫



    We sell candied carp, which is a local dish of Koriyama. It has a rich flavor and is very delicious.

  • H. Tom

    H. Tom


    A supermarket where you can reach your itchy areas. The focus is on ingredients, but most of the locally loved foods are available.

  • 中澤悟



    The capsule toy corner is located outside the store, near the restroom on the right at the front. Please be aware of your surroundings as it is next to a parking lot where vehicles are moving.

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