Gyomu Super Yatsuyamada en Koriyama

JapónGyomu Super Yatsuyamada



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5-chōme-126 Yatsuyamadanishi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8053, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 24-926-0284
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.4268535, Longitude: 140.368275

comentarios 5

  • yuki satoh

    yuki satoh


    Don't refuse work without permission. Work for at least one day before making a decision💢 Bullshit If you're looking for such a noble person, let's raise the price even more. Well, if you say, ``I don't listen to what you say, and I don't do much work,'' at that price, then speaking on behalf of the world's workers, I think you're making extravagant statements. Are you on the rejection list without even meeting me? Remember it

  • あけ



    It's fun to see all the different products on sale. The size of the store is not very large, so it's easy to find and buy what you're looking for. The parking lot is always crowded, and there are sometimes lines of cars waiting to park, especially on Saturdays and Sundays, so it's best to go during busy times.

  • タタママ



    Of all the business supermarkets I've been to, the Yayamada store is by far the best. It's a wonderful selection. And the store is also clean.

  • be-shamon.COFFEE珈琲ロースター



    I just came to Koriyama. I came to Yayamada Gyomu Supermarket for the first time. I often use Nihonmatsu store, Fukushima Nishido store, etc. I compare prices with local supermarkets, research prices, and plan my shopping accordingly. I don't know much about it, but I think it's Kobe Bussan's FC, so I'm using it. Almost all stores have the same prices, so you can buy fall items without worrying about consumer psychology. It is natural for prices to fluctuate depending on the purchasing status of fresh and local products, but most of the fish are frozen, and some of the vegetables are frozen as well.The prices of some meat products vary depending on the store, but prices vary depending on the store. It looks like they are trying as hard as they can. I think this Yayamada store is a FC, but compared to other stores, it was new and clean. However, I have the impression that the cash register line is poor and narrow. The image of Gyomu Super's stores is that they are cluttered, with cardboard boxes piled up even when there are customers. I have the impression that the wiring is complicated, and this Yayamada store has a similar image. Finally, I thought about renting a restroom, but unfortunately it was unisex so I thought it was impossible. That's too bad.

  • sowcom



    A newly built business supermarket. The parking lot is quite spacious, but the inside of the store is compact. Fruits and vegetables are scarce, and there isn't a particularly unique selection, but they have a full line of Shoda soy sauce soups, soups, and sauces, so it's a valuable replenishment spot for those who like the taste of Shoda. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that when you check out, there are many payment machines (cash and cards accepted) next to the cash register, and at the cash register you will only be scanned and you will be guided to pay by saying, ``Please use the payment machine numbered...'' . This type of system is still rare, so it may be confusing at first.

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