Kitakyūshū General Hospital i Kitakyushu

JapanKitakyūshū General Hospital



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1-1 Higashijōnomachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0054, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-921-0560
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8588776, Longitude: 130.8882339

kommentar 5

  • Ai



    I received a letter of introduction for my child's 4-month checkup and went to see her. The staff were very courteous, and the security guard at the parking lot reminded me to be careful when leaving the parking lot as it was a one-way street. However, after hearing this, I lined up at the reception desk and my turn was at 11:03, so I couldn't get in. I understand that it can't be helped to divide the time, but I was surprised that I had to listen to explanations in the parking lot with my infant, wait in line, and wait 10 minutes at the reception desk before being able to see the doctor. Since I had come all the way from another ward, I seriously thought I never wanted to go there again.

  • まる



    I am a parent whose 2-month-old child is currently hospitalized in the pediatric ward. To summarize briefly, I give 0 stars for everything: hygiene, nurses' response, hospital rooms, and as others have written, the display inside the hospital. I don't want to add 1. First of all, there are two hygiene aspects. The hospital room is a private room, but there is no hand soap in the bathroom. (This is compared to another general hospital in the city.) Secondly, they do not sterilize baby bottles. Of course, there was no hot water in the room, and before I was admitted, I was told that I would disinfect my room with Milton. But first, don't bring a baby bottle. "Please wash in your room," he says. Next is the nurse's response. Since my child is still small and on an intravenous drip, I was told that I would check on him every two hours, but he never came. However, when the drip runs out, I will come to replace it. Anyone can come because there is some kind of confirmation such as an alarm going off at the nurse's station. Also, I get irritated because he talks to me in a boring way. (Maybe it's because I'm young.) I was also surprised at how few nurses there were. Next is the hospital room. It's dirty and old. The outpatient department, hallways, and exterior are new and clean, but the hospital rooms are showing their age. It doesn't seem like the cleaning is done properly either. The coin laundry is also very dirty. Of course it hasn't been cleaned. Lastly, there is a display inside the hospital. To be honest, it's hard to understand. It seems to be divided into alphabetical blocks, and then further divided into A1 and A2, and I don't know what the purpose of the information display and external lighting is, but it's difficult to understand and the lighting is dark. The automatic doors are also written in fine print, so it's hard to tell which part will open. The elevator also uses strange colored lighting which makes it a bit creepy. This is a hospital that makes no sense at all. I have no plans to use them in the future, and if I had to write a letter of introduction like I did this time, I would avoid this place. Also, for some reason, I was charged for the meal. She brought her own powdered milk, and since her parents are accompanying her to the hospital, she is not a patient and is not provided with meals.

  • Victor T

    Victor T


    I arrived without speaking Japanese but the staff managed to understand my problem and did everything to help me !

  • ta S

    ta S


    I think the medical staff will respond well. just! I would like something to be done about the display inside the hospital. Difficult to understand. I don't know if it's fashionable though Hard to see! Where do automatic doors open? ? That's what I felt. I thought it would be really tough if I came to the hospital because I wasn't feeling well.

  • ko momo

    ko momo


    I used this service when my parent had to undergo surgery in the hospital for a fractured wrist, and the doctor showed me pictures after the surgery and the bones were nicely attached. that's all! ️ I was told. As expected, I asked a lot of questions, but if you don't ask, they won't answer. Please check and sign the explanation of the surgery and hospitalization. It was the worst level. I was not allowed to meet before the surgery, and the post-surgery visit only lasted about 5 minutes in front of the elevator. Visiting hours and other details were carefully explained. The door is locked before you enter the ward, so you have to press the nurse call button to open it every time you enter the ward.Visitors other than family members are refused, and you are asked to leave the room after 20 minutes. Maximum of 2 family members per day.

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