Happa Josan'in (Happa Maternity Center) i Kitakyushu

JapanHappa Josan'in (Happa Maternity Center)



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1-chōme-1-34 Saburōmaru, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0061, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-921-5320
internet side: www.happajosanin.com
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Latitude: 33.8656733, Longitude: 130.8863332

kommentar 5

  • a t

    a t


    Thank you for helping me with mastitis and weaning. You can receive treatment while relaxing in a private room. We will give you a painless massage and explain the condition of your problem in an easy-to-understand manner. When I gave birth to my younger child, I was able to see her immediately after being discharged from the hospital, and the pain was alleviated and I was able to breastfeed smoothly. When my baby is weaning, he always says, ``Thank you so much for your hard work, ○○-san,'' which makes me feel relieved. He is a very friendly and easy to talk teacher. Childcare is also available if you ask in advance.

  • ぱるぱる



    When I had my first child, I was having trouble gaining weight, and I found out about it, and I was so busy waiting until weaned. When I had my second child, I had heard that the sooner the better, so I contacted them immediately after I was discharged from the hospital. Thanks to this, I think I will be able to wean my second child without any major problems. There was a time when I was able to take care of my child in the room next door. I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind while listening to the voices of the children playing. I'm planning on finishing this for now. If I have the opportunity again, I would like to use your services again.

  • ぼくみつ



    Breast milk massage really doesn't hurt. I'm glad I went. If you are unsure, we highly recommend it. My baby was born prematurely and was admitted to the NICU, and I couldn't express milk properly and developed a lump, so I came here to take care of him. She explained the current state of my breasts, how breast milk works, and tips for pumping milk in an easy-to-understand manner. If there was a problem, they were very helpful even after hours (for an additional fee). He will be kind to you until the very end when you wean your baby.

  • Yuko



    My daughter is 1 year and 3 months old. I had sores on both my left and right sides and it was difficult to breastfeed, so I wanted to change the situation somehow, so I rushed to Hapa Midwifery Clinic, which had good reviews. When I told her that I was thinking about weaning her baby soon, she decided to wean her baby. I was moved by Yoko-sensei's words of support and gratitude for my breastfeeding experience, such as ``Thank you for your hard work'' and ``Thank you for everything you've done up until now.'' Since childcare was available, I asked for my daughter and was able to receive a massage without worrying. The room where my daughter was waiting was a large Japanese-style room with lots of fun things to do, such as toys and books, and my daughter was waiting with a smile on her face. I was able to wean my baby easily, so I went to the midwife's clinic about 3 times, and I still attend a social gathering once a month. I'm from outside the prefecture and had no choice but to rely on word-of-mouth reviews, but I'm glad I found Hapa Midwifery Clinic! ︎

  • S C

    S C


    I'm really glad I started going there because of the reputation. The teacher's moral character is wonderful. He gave me accurate advice while being sensitive to my feelings. I think there are many different schools of thought when it comes to breastfeeding, but the teacher's explanations are easy to understand and easy to put into practice, so I am convinced and can do my best. I started going after 2 months of age, which was slow, but thanks to luck and treatment, my milk supply increased. The teacher has a lot of overseas experience. I think English Spanish is OK. It seems that there are many Chinese patients as well. He's a generous and kind teacher. It is also recommended for foreigners.

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