Kyushu Dental University Hospital i Kitakyushu

JapanKyushu Dental University Hospital



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2-chōme-6-1 Manazuru, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 803-0844, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-582-1131
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8716998, Longitude: 130.8534806

kommentar 5




    I received a letter of introduction from a dentist and arrived at the clinic. Have them perform procedures that a dentist cannot perform. Since it is a large facility, it is best to schedule a full day for your first visit. There is a bicycle parking lot, so even large motorcycles can be parked comfortably.

  • 田中



    I was referred to this clinic from another hospital to have my wisdom teeth removed. I had heard that it was not possible to make an appointment for new patients, that there was a long waiting time, and that the surgery date was far in the future, so this was to be expected. It was a medical examination before a tooth was extracted, so an X-ray was taken. I was guided to the teacher. The doctor who took care of me didn't even look inside my mouth once. I didn't even sit in the examination chair myself. The surgery date is coming soon. Please sign this (surgery consent form) I'm thinking about going to another hospital, even if it's far away.

  • 瓜生有孝



    Dr. M.K. of the Daiichi General Medical Department treated me while leaving the possibility of nerve damage intact until the very end. In the end, we had to pull it out, but it took a lot of effort for us to take care of it. thank you.

  • min a.k.a.

    min a.k.a.


    After receiving a letter of introduction, go to the pediatrician. I fed him about an hour ago, but I can't treat him because he might vomit if he eats. I was told it would be my next treatment. I've been waiting so long for this. picture. Is it impossible for large hospitals to even tell you a few words in advance? Laughable. The child did his best, but he just went home crying because he was scared! ︎Impossible.

  • 佐藤和恵



    In May 2019, I was hospitalized for surgery to remove tongue cancer. It was a four-person room, but since I was going to be in the hospital for three weeks, I was given a bed by the window so I could have some relaxation.There was a patient in the same room who had undergone the same surgery, and I was able to hear stories about the surgery. … I went into the surgery with a calm mind. I later found out that this was also an arrangement by the nurses. I had a gastrostomy for two weeks, but I didn't feel any pain or discomfort, and the nurses were very attentive, even though they were busy, two of them came to put on the pack. The nurse who distracted me. LOL… The nurse who made removing the stitches less painful. The food was delicious and I was looking forward to it. Nursing assistants and staff... My attending physician was friendly, humorous, and had great skills, and it was the first time I had ever felt so comfortable in a hospital. This is my 6th or 7th hospitalization and surgery... I am still going to the hospital for follow-up observation. This is my third year as an outpatient doctor, and I feel safe and depend on him when it comes to my physical condition. I have recommended Kyushu Dental University to my friends and acquaintances. This is a reliable affiliated hospital. After all, this is a university hospital that treats the inside of your mouth.

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