Kinshu w Akita




🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-chōme-1-2 Nakadōri, Akita, 010-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 18-838-0662
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7172275, Longitude: 140.1293379

komentarze 5

  • kazu kuma

    kazu kuma


    I went to Akita on a business trip. When I was looking at the restaurant area on the 3rd floor of the station building (Topico), Kinshu, which is always crowded, was a little empty, so I went in for the first time. I ordered the "Gomoku fried rice/half ramen set" (866 yen) from the lunch menu. Gomoku fried rice is a dish that can only be eaten at a restaurant, with plenty of chashu pork, perfectly seasoned, and a light yet deep flavor based on soy sauce. The half ramen (authentic soy sauce flavor) is so voluminous that you can't even call it "half", and the chashu and menma are also filling and satisfying. Considering the location of the store, the prices were very reasonable and I would like to visit again.

  • 会津雲国斎



    It's a Chinese restaurant in Ogiya, and it's a long-established restaurant on the 3rd floor. There are also street Chinese menu items like ramen, which are reasonably priced. There is also tatami seating at the very back.

  • クラッチカラスコ



    Return visit in July 2024 Fried rice & mini ramen set 866 yen The fried rice was crunchy and the char siu was delicious. Lunch large serving of yakisoba with ankake sauce 1,038 yen (787 yen + 157 yen + tax) Contains fried chicken




    It was salty. I ate minced meat zasai ramen, but it tasted so salty that it was hard to eat, so I added a glass of water and split it. The salt in the zha cai may have dissolved into the soup, making it salty. Even when the glass was empty, they never came to refill it.

  • Jeffrey Teo

    Jeffrey Teo


    Ramen was so-so. The black vinegar pork set wasn't so bad.

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