PRONTO Akita OPA w Akita

JaponiaPRONTO Akita OPA



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2F, 4-2 Senshūkubotamachi, Akita, 010-0874, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 18-838-6177
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7178024, Longitude: 140.1282472

komentarze 5

  • Perry Chu

    Perry Chu


    Convenient location The limited-time meals are exactly the same as the pictures Usually these things are related to reading characters Little do you know that the enjoyment it brings to your taste buds is truly unparalleled IKEA Duzhong has a tight aftertaste

  • 野々田



    I went during Kissa Kaba time, and I ordered about 4 food items, and only one item came out after less than an hour, so I decided to cancel and go home, so I asked the staff to cancel the food that wasn't already made. When I asked about it, they said they hadn't even made all the three items that weren't coming🥹 It's a shame because the food looks delicious... I think it's okay to go if you can wait forever 😅 The staff's customer service is kind and wonderful...

  • まぁさん



    I went there for the first time since it was a pub. The person taking the order was babbling and I didn't understand what they were saying, and the food and drinks were just standing there with no sign of being delivered. Even after 10 minutes of ordering, my drink still didn't come. Completed drinks sit on the counter like decorations. No one says anything about being late. Can't you at least say "Sorry I'm late"? I don't think I'll ever go there again...

  • 会津雲国斎



    Although it is possible to enter from outside the 1st floor, the opening hours are the same as Akita OPA's opening hours. However, this place is open late at night. I think it's better to have a quick drink if you're not in a car. It's located inside an AEON commercial facility, so it's convenient because there are slightly more payment options available than in the larger area.

  • Itada Yuji

    Itada Yuji


    I visited few days ago, and my best friend got ripped off her 500 yen and receipt, so she lost her money with no proof. She ordered large size cider but a few minutes later, a clerk offered regular size one. We noticed the fact after we settled down to a table, so my besties talked to the clerk and we told we just do with regular size and wanted to got the money back. But somehow it turns out to a complicated deal. It is super complicated to write down that it could be too long, so I don’t. I do understand the clerk was part time job and she didn’t get used to how to deal with trouble, but THE ATTITUDE. It was bad. It was not proper attitude as a adult who caused the trouble. I really like this cafe because some full time stuffs are doing amazing. Just review and start the education to part-time job girls from the beginning. By the way, meals and drinks are always delicious.

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