Kimuraramen Oyodoten w Miyazaki

JaponiaKimuraramen Oyodoten



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4942-2 Tsunehisa, Miyazaki, 880-0916, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 985-59-6477
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Latitude: 31.8927004, Longitude: 131.4154618

komentarze 5

  • Euler



    After the founder, Hajime Kimura, trained at Sanku, the Kurume food stall that created the cloudy tonkotsu soup, in 1951, Kumu Kimura opened in a corner of Ginten-gai, Miyazaki City, in the vein of Kurume ramen. This is probably the first restaurant that became the prototype for today's Miyazaki ramen. The salty char siu goes well with the rice balls. Soft and melts the moment you put it in your mouth. It is said to be slowly simmered using a secret method. The noodles are medium-thick straight noodles and there are no substitutes. There are basically no substitutes for traditional Miyazaki ramen. And for some reason there is pickled radish. Be sure to add about 3 tablespoons of garlic soy sauce before eating. It's often full as soon as the store opens, and it's common to have to wait in line. The customer base is young and old, men and women alike, and it is probably a beloved ramen shop in Miyazaki.

  • Jim Jim

    Jim Jim


    June 2024 Miyazaki ramen is the kind of ramen you want to eat when you forget. The first Miyazaki ramen I ate after moving to Miyazaki alone was Kimura. It's already been eight years since I moved away from home, and I've eaten a lot of ramen in Miyazaki, but Kimura is the first thing that comes to mind. I have such fond memories of this dish that even after I leave Miyazaki, I will never forget this taste. This is Miyazaki ramen. Gyoza is also delicious. June 2018 This is my favorite ramen restaurant in Miyazaki city. The difference between medium and large is not only the amount of noodles, but also the amount of chashu and toppings. I think the flavor will be well received if we open a store in Kansai.

  • moonlight mask

    moonlight mask


    I ordered salt ramen. I wonder if the salt is strong. Neither good nor bad. There were many reviews saying it was delicious, and I had my expectations set too high, which led to me feeling that it was just mediocre... There was nothing special about the gyoza, ramen, and rice balls. However, I think it's a good restaurant where you can feel at ease with the homely atmosphere and taste. I think everyone has a taste for the garlic flavor of ramen soup. The portions are small, so use a large portion to get the right amount. There was some residue, stickiness, and dirt on the seasoning containers, tables, and counters, but this is common at other stores. There was nothing special about the customer service, but for some reason I found the store clerk's lady to be very pleasant. I think it's easy to use as a ramen shop in town. Parking was available at the side and back of the store. If it was close to my house, I would use it at least once a week. Normal is best (lol)

  • 菊井一之



    Ramen [Kimura Oyodo branch] @ Oaza Kobashi, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture. Founded in 1953, this is a long-established restaurant that follows the tradition of Kurume ramen and is a representative of Miyazaki ramen. A light and cloudy pork bone soup with a hint of sweetness. The homemade medium-thick noodles are smooth and have just the right texture, making them very pleasant to slurp. The richly seasoned pork belly pork was also exquisite.

  • Jiri Zapletal

    Jiri Zapletal


    Great ramen, the pork is too salty

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