ē²‰é£Ÿć‚„ 恗悍 w Miyazaki

Japoniaē²‰é£Ÿć‚„ 恗悍



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-3-ē•Ŗ4号 Tsurunoshima, Miyazaki, 880-0014, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 985-69-7728
strona internetowej: www.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 31.9095355, Longitude: 131.4161643

komentarze 5

  • Martijn Boom

    Martijn Boom


    Best pizza in Japan. Wow! I'll visit again next time in Miyazaki.

  • potato sweety

    potato sweety


    Although it is a popular restaurant, he seems to be busy and running it all by himself, and the older brother is not very friendly, but he is probably a craftsman. I feel that they are trying their best not to keep customers waiting, and that they are trying to do the best they can even when the situation is difficult. It's cheap but very delicious. I'm rooting for you.

  • a-mugi



    I'd rather eat pizza from this restaurant than buy Visa from a chain restaurant! The staples at our house are margherita, mix, and honey. My elementary school-age child has been loving this Margherita and Honey ever since he was older (lol).When I bought it for the first time in a while and brought it home, he jumped with joy! The dough of this pizza is so delicious that even elementary school children won't leave the edges on. Since the dough is chewy and elastic, it may be a little difficult for young children to chew through, but as they chew, they can taste the sweetness of the wheat, so they also love the unfilled ears. Honey Pizza has a lot of honey in it, so I eat it with lots of honey. I don't like gorgonzola, but I can eat this pizza. It contains large walnuts, so it's very satisfying to eat. After eating about 3-4 slices, I was full! I feel so satisfied! Payment method/cash, PayPay

  • 恗恂恄



    I bought this pizza because it was sold at the Food Deli Kirishima store. Margherita and Quattro Formaggi. Quattro Formaggi has a crispy texture and feels good as a snack. I ate it thinking that it would be delicious if I sprinkled it with honey. It might be cheaper and tastier to buy it here than at Pizzaā—Æt etc. I don't know.

  • Ruan Botha

    Ruan Botha


    The best pizza for the best price! Don't bother going anywhere else, this is where you should buy your pizza!

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