Kikugawa General Hospital en Kikugawa

JapónKikugawa General Hospital



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1632 Higashiyokoji, Kikugawa, Shizuoka 439-0022, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 537-35-2135
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7329848, Longitude: 138.0997408

comentarios 5

  • くりぃむぱん(くりぃむぱん)



    This is the hospital where I received care after suffering a broken bone when I was in first grade. I think the nurses and doctors are kind and it's a really nice hospital. I would like to rely on you again if anything happens!

  • 山下武義



    I have a chronic lower back disease, so I sometimes go to an orthopedic clinic, and I'm always grateful to all the orthopedic surgeons for treating me in such a pleasant manner. It's a good hospital with good nurses and office staff.

  • どんどん。



    There are a lot of elderly people who cut into cars at the checkout, reception desk, and while parking, and everything is slow, even the checkout is slow. The waiting time at the obstetrics and gynecology department is usually about an hour and a half even if you have an appointment. I don't want to go here as much as possible because it's stressful. It seems stupid to give priority to people who arrive late for reservations, to give priority to the elderly, to keep to the reservation time and to check in 15 minutes in advance. However, I added a star because the teacher's explanation was thorough and accurate.

  • deborak okok

    deborak okok


    The doctors were very comprehensive last time while the attendance... But I need to return at night, because an emergency, pregnant and they don't attend me....

  • Mars The Explorer

    Mars The Explorer


    The pediatrics and dermatologist department is excellent!

El hospital más cercano

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