Iwata General Hospital en Iwata

JapónIwata General Hospital


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512番地3 Ōkubo, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-0002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 538-38-5000
sitio web: www.hospital.iwata.shizuoka.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7686485, Longitude: 137.8569124

comentarios 5

  • Snz Snz

    Snz Snz


    The teachers and nurses are both very good. The female emergency room doctor woke up in a bad mood and was scared. I was just messing around with my computer, and it was returned immediately... If you don't understand, at least show some humility. By the way, when I went back a few hours later, another doctor told me that I needed to be hospitalized, so I ended up being admitted. I think it will be even better if it is renewed. I developed a mold allergy in the bathroom of my hospital room. Even though it was midsummer, there was a problem with the air conditioner, so it was hot. Iwata City, please spend a little more money on hospitals.

  • ずずず



    It's not about the content or level of treatment, it's just doctors and staff who don't treat patients as people, and who lie without any sense of ethics or common sense. Women and children should especially be careful. During the procedure, naked photos were taken without my permission. No one is conscious of hiding the patient's underwear or private parts, and we do not recognize that it is a bad thing to have no consideration for the patient's human rights. There were several female staff members at the time, but no one stopped them, so the ethics of the staff members is at the bottom regardless of gender. I should have just explained to her that she had hidden my underwear and private parts, but as expected, I was lied to by everyone at the hospital. Moreover, the curtains in the treatment room were left open, what was the purpose of the blindfold? This is truly the worst type of emergency, where there is no consideration for the patient. The dermatologist was also the worst. Of course, there was no apology, and I was hurt as a secondary victim. Since there is no recognition of human rights violations, we have made it clear that we will continue to respond in the same way. This is a hospital with really old-fashioned ethics. The humanity of the staff at the counter is also the worst. I believe that I have been sexually assaulted because photos of me naked and in my underwear will remain in my medical record for the rest of my life. My life was saved, but my heart and human rights were trampled upon. No other hospital has ever taken naked photos of me without my permission, and I've never heard of it. It seems like everyone from the director to the staff involved has that level of humanity, so it's unfortunate that people are in this situation where they have to go to this hospital. It's better to stop here.

  • みかち



    I gave birth at an older age. Having a female doctor made me feel at ease. All the nurses were also very kind. There was a shop that had not only convenience store products but also bread from a local bakery and Subway products, which was something I looked forward to while I was in the hospital. Security was tight and everything was done to prevent any troubles such as babies being taken out without permission. I'm glad.

  • Desales Mary Ann

    Desales Mary Ann


    All staff and facilities is good...

  • asus asus

    asus asus


    It's the worst hospital. East Ward on the 7th floor in 2022 and soon after this year? I was hospitalized. Both the last time I was hospitalized and this time, the nurses here treated me the worst. The night shift helper has also changed. The nurses here are good with male patients and patients who can move on their own, but they are cold towards patients who cannot move. When I call, they don't come, and when I ask them to run an errand, they keep putting it off. Priority will be given to male patients and patients who are mobile. When I was hospitalized last time, the helper on the night shift called out to patients who were unable to move and asked if there was any inconvenience, but the helper on the night shift when I was hospitalized this time only said ``Yes'' and ``Please wait'' and was flexible as the situation dictated. Can not. The helpers during the day, except for the one who wears glasses, speak harshly. Even when I meet the teacher in the hallway, he doesn't say hello or nod.

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