Hohoemi House en Kakegawa

JapónHohoemi House


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1652 Kōgosho, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0031, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 537-29-5512
sitio web: www.hohoemihouse.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.762617, Longitude: 137.990877

comentarios 5

  • coco



    I took it with 4D echo! They explained things to me very carefully and took the time to listen to my concerns about pregnancy, so I thought it was a wonderful place that I could rely on. I want to go again.

  • 本音を言う



    I only visited once for 4D Echo in April of this year. The teacher who took the echo at that time was very kind and after much trial and error, printed out the 4D echo photo! She was born safely in the latter half of May, and the photos have become great memories! Thank you so much 🥰

  • 原なち



    I visited her for breast milk consultation. I gave birth at a different clinic, but there wasn't much postpartum guidance, so after I was discharged from the hospital, I was worried because there were so many things I didn't understand. He answered my concerns thoroughly and made me feel at ease. The doctor was easy-going and easy to talk to, and he taught me a lot about things other than breastfeeding. The atmosphere at the birthing clinic is homey and calming. If there is anything else I would like to consult with you.

  • こんにゃくちゃん



    Thank you for the breast milk massage. It had a homely atmosphere and the teachers were friendly, making it a very comfortable space ^ ^ Now, the most important thing is the breast milk massage, but to be honest, it was quite painful. This pain was shocking as I had undergone the Oke⚪︎ ceremony (>

  • すずきのなにがし



    I have been here many times. As written on the website, it has a really homely atmosphere. Having given birth in both a hospital and a birthing center, giving birth in a hospital felt like an inorganic experience, but giving birth in a warm atmosphere at a birthing center made me realize that ``giving birth is a completely natural thing.'' Ta. The doctor's personality is easy-going, or rather easy-going in a really good way, so it was easy to get along with him, and I didn't feel pressured.He also worked at a certain obstetrics and gynecology department for many years, so his skills are solid. If I were ever blessed with a child, I would definitely want to stay here again.

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