Kawasaki Municipal Hospital en Kawasaki

JapónKawasaki Municipal Hospital


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12-1 Shinkawadōri, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0013, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 44-233-5521
sitio web: www.hospital-kawasaki.city.kawasaki.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5267127, Longitude: 139.7060219

comentarios 5

  • Div



    It’s better to call first for appointment with the doctor. The receptionist will speak Japanese only, but most of the doctors speak English. You can request admission form in English & in case of Japanese form the staff will help you in filling. Be safe & take care of yourself!

  • george



    There are doctors that speak English here and they seem good. It seems most of them are bilingual. However, the customer service at the front desk does NOT speak English, so getting started or help is quite difficult and frustrating This really spoils the usefulness of the English speaking doctors, cause if you can't get past the customer service, you won't be able to see a doctor. But generally, customer service will do the best they can without english to help you. I managed to get to see a doctor without much Japanese. Note there is a one time fee of 5,500 yen that you have to pay, if this is your first at the hospital. This fee is NOT covered by insurance.

  • Ashley T

    Ashley T


    Saw Dr. Suzuki in gynecology for pelvic pain and possible endometriosis. Bad bedside manner and I was shocked by how little effort was put into treatment or diagnosis. Other staff was kind though. I was given an MRI, which usually won't show endometriosis, and the results were inconclusive, of course. They weren't willing to do anything beyond that. Do they actually help any patients here or is it a joke? Maybe it's a hospital only for pregnant women and dying old people.

  • Sanjeev Kumar (Sanju)

    Sanjeev Kumar (Sanju)


    One of the best Hospital with all Modern Facilities, Please note that main Hospital is closed on Sunday for routine check-ups, but if you have any emergency you can visit emergency section 24hrs. For payments they do accept credit cards for payment & also there is 24hours family mart with ATM facility within it

  • Jeba John Sheltan

    Jeba John Sheltan


    The Admin staff are very helpful. We went to consult a specialist in Otolaryngology for my wife. She was good in English and helpful. The treatment cost is more if you don't have insurance.. If you are coming without appointment, You have to wait for hours. In my case it was around 3 hrs.

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