Kawahara Clinic Pediatric and Allergie w Shizuoka

JaponiaKawahara Clinic Pediatric and Allergie



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2-chōme-9-32 Toro, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8033, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-283-8724
strona internetowej: kawahara-ped.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9586347, Longitude: 138.4138884

komentarze 5

  • name



    I went to see the doctor for the first time as a doctor on duty on holidays. Even though the symptoms were reported, there was no palpation of the area. I told her that I couldn't take in a lot of water and that I was worried about hypoglycemia because I would vomit if I took in water or food, but she said, ``If you take O-S1 or Aqualite Spodori, you'll be fine.'' In the first place, I was worried that I wasn't drinking enough water and went to the doctor... There were also many other comments that made me wonder as a doctor, and I could only feel a sense of disbelief. I checked the condition and went to see my doctor the next day, but found that my blood sugar level was quite low. When I told my family doctor about my symptoms, they palpated the area, gave me an intravenous drip because I wasn't getting enough fluids, and took other measures (blood and urine collection, etc.). If you are not willing to provide appropriate treatment, I don't want you to be the doctor on duty on holidays.

  • ゆゆ



    There's a large parking lot and you can make reservations online so you don't have to wait too long. I never felt uncomfortable with the teachers, receptionists, or nurses. I was grateful that the vaccination time was divided between patients with cold symptoms and other patients, so I didn't have to worry about getting vaccinated.

  • ちゃんひぃ



    We are taking care of your child's vaccinations. The other day, I asked for a medical examination for the first time along with vaccinations, but he prescribed steroid ointment without really looking at the affected area. Also, the checkup was over quickly, so I was worried that if I had a problem, it would be overlooked. The nurses are all good people.

  • ちゃこ



    Since the time of my grandmother, my predecessor, Thank you for helping. Now that my children are adults, I hardly ever get to visit you anymore. Due to the coronavirus pandemic I was vaccinated only once. My son is now following me. A teacher who speaks in a soft manner. I've heard that he specializes in allergic diseases. The parking lot is always crowded I see that there are, You can make a reservation for a doctor's appointment online, so your car won't have to stop. I've never seen it crowded.

  • マーブル



    My child has always been cared for at this hospital. The teacher is soft-spoken, and the way she speaks and interacts with children is really polite and kind. I was very impressed by how encouraging the children were when they were being tested for the coronavirus. The receptionist is very nice and the nurses are also very nice. The clinic is very clean and it is very convenient to make reservations online. This is a hospital that you would want to call your family.

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