Shizuoka Tokushukai Hospital w Shizuoka

JaponiaShizuoka Tokushukai Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

11-1 Shimokawaharaminami, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0117, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-256-8008
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9312286, Longitude: 138.3842999

komentarze 5

  • なるふぁ。



    At night, my wife was brought to this hospital by ambulance because she was feeling lightheaded, had a headache, and felt chills. My wife works outside and does physical exertion, so I called her because I thought she was suffering from heat stroke. As it turned out, I had a migraine, but the female doctor there said, ``I've come all the way by ambulance, so I'll take a look at it.'' I'm an amateur, so I can't tell if the situation is dangerous or not enough to require an emergency. I looked it up on the internet as an amateur and thought it might be heat stroke, so I called the emergency room... I was shocked to find such a teacher.

  • みーみ



    In any case, all the nurses are unpleasant, and their grumpiness shows on their faces, which makes me feel bad. Because they do not notice changes in the patient, they are slow to respond and are only able to get tests done after their families request them, which makes things worse. I want the medicine prescribed quickly.

  • teamA監督



    I was taken care of in the rehabilitation ward on the 7th floor. Honestly, what is Tokushukai like? I was skeptical, but when I first spoke with the counselor, I was told by his nice personality that this was definitely a good place. I'm sure. I'm sorry, but I expected that when I was admitted to the hospital, the PT would be enthusiastic and kind and listen to me, the head nurse would be calm and attentive, and the ST who specialized in swallowing would give me solid advice. It was beautiful outside. I'm glad that everyone is busy, but it's not hectic. They also agreed to discuss the timing of my discharge from the hospital according to my wishes. It was really good. Not as a compliment. I'm glad I didn't have to be admitted to some famous rehabilitation hospital! Thank you very much for your help.

  • 亀面ライダー亀ノス



    As others have written, I was surprised at how bad the attitude of the receptionist was. To give a concrete example, a male staff member wearing glasses, a receptionist, who was approaching me and saw me, but did not speak to me, looked at the documents in hand, and listened to what I was saying. A middle-aged woman who seems troublesome. The overall impression I get from doctors is that everyone except the pediatrician seems like a pain in the ass. It is best not to use this service unless you have a particular reason to do so, as you will feel quite uncomfortable due to the poor response and low level of the reception.

  • 王建策




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