静岡市急病センター w Shizuoka




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1014 Yunoki, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0821, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-261-1111
strona internetowej: shizuoka-city-med.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9832365, Longitude: 138.4082792

komentarze 5

  • yusuke



    I received it today. I was worried about the reviews, but I had no problems and went to see the doctor. When you enter the hospital, you will be handed a medical history form to the entrance security guard, so I think some people have written in their reviews that it feels strange to receive the questionnaire at the entrance instead of the one you would normally get at the reception desk. I didn't really have that much conversation with the receptionist, so I didn't feel like I had a bad attitude. My symptoms are just fever and cough, so wouldn't antipyretics be enough? When I was told that I just wanted medicine, I said that it was okay, and the conversation ended quickly, with minimal conversation between us, and I was not given more medicine than necessary. I think there are many patients, including myself, who want more care than necessary because it is tiring, but experts say that if we provide that much care, we will run out of resources and many people will be left without services. I think it will not reach you. In the first place, it is not normal for the doctor to have the doctor do it late at night on Saturdays and Sundays, so I think that if you take this into account when you go to the doctor, it will be less likely that discrepancies will occur. I felt that the doctors and nurses had a calm and kind atmosphere, but the patients were suffering from abnormalities that they had never experienced before, so there was no need to do more than necessary, but I was a little conscious of my performance. I think they will be more pleased if you give them Of course, patients would still come even if we didn't do that, but I think it would be mutually beneficial for us to be loved as a local hospital, so I felt that moving forward in that manner was a good option.

  • Tama



    My 1-year-old child bumped his forehead, and when I called #8000, I was told that the swelling was severe and that I should go to an emergency medical center. First, I was stopped by a security guard at the entrance and asked if I wanted to go to the medical department, surgical department, or pediatric department. I didn't know if it was a surgery or pediatrics department, but I had called the emergency center beforehand, so I thought it would be helpful if the person answering the phone could tell me if it was a surgery or pediatrics department. The security guard calmly explained to me that only one person was allowed to accompany me and that I had to fill out a medical examination form.When I went inside, there were two security guards at the entrance, but when they passed in front of me, they were talking about personal hobbies. It seemed like it was getting popular, but I didn't see it. When I entered the examination room, the first thing the doctor did was look at the computer screen without making eye contact and asked, ``What happened?'' When I explained the situation, she said, "You're not vomiting, right? Do you know where you hit me?" So I showed her my forehead, and she just turned her head toward the child, still facing the computer, and said, "Ah." I was told, ``I can only give you some painkillers, but is that okay?'' and when I said ``Yes...'', the nurse immediately handed me a sheet of things to be careful of if I hit my head and explained to me. "Are you better than the doctor?" the nurse asked, and after a pause, she simply said, "Yes." What, are you angry? The nurse followed me up in a way that made me think, ``It looks like you're okay!'' and seemed to understand that the nurse was aware of the bad attitude and that I was feeling uncomfortable. I had a feeling that he was thinking that I shouldn't bring him here because of something like this, but I was worried about his tank bump, and even though I had brought him with #8000, I felt that there would be no response. Even the pharmacist who prescribed the prescription burst into laughter when explaining that it was an inflammation caused by bumping the head, acting as if it was no big deal. It's an emergency medical center, so many people come here with anxiety, so I'm surprised why the security guards, doctors, and pharmacists are all so selfish. I think it's because we're used to it because it's an emergency medical center, but since it's a facility that many people use at night until 10 p.m., I don't think there are better doctors available. I didn't want to use it again. There's no point in going to a doctor's office if the doctor just looks at the patient without looking or touching them, and even if the doctor doesn't think it's a big deal, he or she should treat the patient with compassion. He didn't make eye contact, crossed his legs, and had an obviously bad attitude, making me wonder if he was really a doctor. He was someone I could think of. On the other hand, I feel that the fact that they treated the facility so badly means that there is a problem with the facility itself (lack of human resources, etc.). Looking at other reviews, there are only bad things, so I think the entire facility is no longer good. I ask for improvement.

  • 深井大



    Thank you for your help earlier. I would like to thank the nurses and teachers who took care of me. I'm currently having no problems. However, the receptionist's response was very poor. I had to use a wheelchair because I had seizures and couldn't walk on my own, and even though I had seizures again in the waiting room, they kept asking me, ``Are you in internal medicine or surgery?'' How exactly do you feel? Of course, there were other people visiting the hospital, so I understand that I can't just leave them alone, but there were five or six staff members at the station, and they were there to treat the serious illness right in front of them. Is it not possible to determine whether someone is present or not? Or haven't you seen it? I don't know? It's an emergency center, right? It's not your family's clinic, right? In the end, I started having convulsions again, so when I told them about it, they took care of it right away. It will look like this. In response to “Do you want to do internal medicine or surgery?”, here is the answer: I answered, "I'm an amateur, so I don't know! If I knew, I would have told you already!" with a clearly disgusted face ``This is an internal medicine clinic, so please wait in the back,'' he told me in a very strong tone. What is it?...Is there no priority for things that are urgent? Amateurs don't understand. What I can say even though I don't know It was an incredible place. That's my impression. I am very grateful to the nurses and doctors who treated me quickly.




    My husband rushed in complaining of severe back pain, was diagnosed with muscle pain, and was given painkillers and compresses. The pain subsided a little, so I managed to stay there until the morning after the next day, but two days later, in the morning, I complained of severe pain on both sides of my chest, struggled in agony, and lost consciousness. While I was calling for an ambulance, his eyes widened and he stopped breathing. Although I was panicking, I managed to resuscitate him. An ambulance came right away and I was able to take him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with aortic dissection and underwent emergency surgery. Miraculously, I was able to survive. I hope that you will learn carefully and fulfill your role conscientiously, without making life-threatening misdiagnoses easy.

  • 胡蝶蘭



    The response was so sloppy that I don't know what the emergency center was for. We don't even take X-rays for patients who don't know whether or not they have a broken leg. The X-ray room is right there. This kind of easy examination can be done even by ordinary people. I don't know what the hospital is for, even though I was told words that would come up if I looked it up on the internet. If you are unable to do so, you should return it at the time of reception. Don't take money from patients without doing any major medical examination. Don't take money from taxes. Everyone, if you're going to go here, you'd be better off going to a doctor on duty on holidays. I was just told a bunch of words that you would find if you looked them up on the internet. It's a waste of time and energy.

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