Kashoumon ecute Omiyaten w Saitama

JaponiaKashoumon ecute Omiyaten



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630 Nishikichō, Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0853, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 48-648-8665
strona internetowej: www.ecute.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.9056058, Longitude: 139.6240467

komentarze 5

  • mayu



    \\ Seduced by the temptation of steam // At Omiya Station/Ecute inside the station. At the back of the corner filled with souvenirs There is a corner where steam rises. I'm steaming sweet potato buns...! ○ What I bought ○ ⚪︎ Imo Koi ¥200+tax. Of course, they sell them as souvenirs. I guess you can steam it at home, As expected, hey. For custom orders, There is also a space where you can sit and eat and a waste basket. I bought this at the behest of my sweet potato loving daughter. It's fun to eat while walking! It seems to be a shop in Kawagoe, Little Edo. Moreover, I thought it was a demon bun. Something like puffed sweet potatoes, red beans, and mochi powder. A soft and stretchy fabric. (*Looking back, it seems like yam and mochi powder) Yes, it's definitely delicious. Hokku hokku! The sweet potato itself is slightly sweet, and the bean paste is great! It's quite sweet, but it's only a small amount! Even if it's a little while after you buy it (like paying the bill!) Apparently it's too hot for children's fingers. I'm... fine. lol It's delicious to eat here.

  • brk dskmkd

    brk dskmkd


    I ate here in Kawagoe and it was delicious so I stopped by on my way home. As mentioned in other reviews, the one female clerk was a bit harsh. It's a shame because they sell delicious food.

  • みうけん



    After going on a business trip to Omiya for work, I looked around the station building to buy a souvenir for my wife before returning to Yokohama. There I found a local Japanese sweets shop in Saitama Prefecture. “Imo Koi/Imo Pote Assortment” (6 pieces: 1,160 yen) This time there were 6 pieces. It comes in a beautiful box, and the number of 6 pieces is just right, not too few and not too many. Imo Koi is accented with its chewy skin. There's a lot of red bean paste and sweet potato inside, so it's an irresistible snack for those with a sweet tooth and sweet potato lovers. Miken doesn't like sweet potatoes that much, so I just took a photo, but my wife, who is a girl who loves sweet potatoes, ate them. Why have girls loved sweet potatoes since the days of Sazae-san? “Kurimochi” (300 yen) This is a luxurious Japanese sweet that has two pieces of strained red bean paste and chestnuts inside a mochi. Aside from sweet potatoes, I like chestnuts, so it was delicious. Chewy skin, chunky chestnuts, and sweet red bean paste. You can't go wrong with this combination. ◆◇◆Postscript◆◇◆ I received it as a souvenir this time. Saitama Prefecture's specialty was sweet potatoes. I did not know! Surprisingly, it was well received by my family, so I would like to use it again when I come to Saitama again. Try it!

  • ゆもちゃん



    When I go to Omiya, I always buy something to take home. All of them are delicious, and today I bought warabi mochi and lemon water manju. Warabi mochi is easy to eat and very delicious! ️

  • 007 materi

    007 materi


    I bought it as a souvenir and it was well received (^.^) It was delicious \(^_^)/ It seems to be good for your body too.

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