Crab fried rice shop Ecute Omiya w Saitama

JaponiaCrab fried rice shop Ecute Omiya



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630 Nishikicho, Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0853, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 48-648-8762
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.9058513, Longitude: 139.6242806

komentarze 5

  • ばざーる



    I went to eat on a Sunday around 4pm. There used to be a similar restaurant in Tachikawa, but it had closed so I was looking for somewhere to eat when I found out there was one in Omiya as well, so I was really looking forward to going there! This time, I ordered crab-covered fried rice (large serving) and crab ball fried rice with soft-boiled eggs. The fried rice was fluffy and very delicious♪ The crab meat on top had amazing flavor 😊 The crab ball fried rice with soft-boiled eggs had a perfectly soft-boiled egg and went perfectly with the fluffy rice! I think you can eat it up easily even if you make a large serving. We additionally ordered gyoza and fried chicken, which were also very delicious. I definitely want to use it when I use Omiya Station!

  • ちゃんキリ



    I've been going here for years, and I still go here occasionally, and the food is always delicious. My favorite is probably the crab fried rice. There's a lot of crab, but the rice is fluffy and delicious. The texture of cucumber is also fun. The crab miso soup is also exquisite and flawless.

  • meme



    I go there when I want a quick meal as it's located inside the station and has easy access.I also use it for takeout. The inside of the store has an atmosphere where you don't want to stay too long, so customer turnover is fast and products are delivered quickly, which is helpful! I always have normal crab fried rice. It's a stable taste. If you order it inside, it also comes with crab miso soup! I was hungry today, so we shared the meat shaomai and crab cream croquette.

  • 鑫#イ言θ月



    A convenient shop located inside the Omiya Station ticket gate and open from 7:00. I bought a meal ticket from the ticket vending machine and took a seat. The inside of the store feels a little more elegant than the store near the station. I bought the morning crab fried rice for 720 yen. The crab miso soup has a good dashi stock and is delicious. The crab fried rice was more delicious than crumbly.

  • Michael King

    Michael King


    This shop specializes in crab fried rice. They have just a few variations as well as a few sides such as salad or Gyoza. I prefer the one that has sauce over the fried rice. It is counter seating only and quite busy, but very good..

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