Restaurant Rose w Saitama

JaponiaRestaurant Rose



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒330-0846 Saitama, Omiya Ward, Daimonchō, 1-chōme−32番地 大宮タカシマヤ 8F
kontakt telefon: +81 48-643-8082
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.906359, Longitude: 139.626415

komentarze 5

  • Akemi (ミニ苺パフェ)

    Akemi (ミニ苺パフェ)


    The area around Omiya Station is extremely crowded on Sundays. When I went to a certain store, it was fully booked, so I lined up and was told if there was an opening. While I was waiting, about 50 people came in with reservations, and I gave up after 30 minutes. The type of customers who use this restaurant are not for a meal after shopping, but for gathering with friends and family. I noticed the line and moved to Takashimaya. When we arrived, there were two groups in line. After about 8 minutes, I was called to a table and shown to a table of 4 people. What I ordered was ・Kuroge Wagyu beef & Yamato pork demi-glace hamburger 1,850 yen. Choose bread and soup. I think there was a little less demi-glace sauce. A hamburger steak made properly by hand. However, the accompanying fries were not tasty. I can't say that potatoes taste bad. Customer service was good. Thank you for the meal.

  • 嶋野豊



    It feels bright and calm. Ordered cutlet curry. The curry is rich but refreshing. The meat of the cutlet is thin and there is no oil left behind. The cutlet is hot, so be careful.

  • 黒田格郎



    I stopped by on my way back from Hikawa Shrine. It was around 4pm, so I had cream anmitsu and lemon tea, and my companion had matcha parfait and coffee. Both the anmitsu and parfait were authentic, voluminous, and delicious. The tea was fragrant and I felt that they used good quality tea. Since most of the customers are seniors, the inside of the store is quiet and very comfortable.

  • Kazuhiro Itoh

    Kazuhiro Itoh


    I used it on Wednesday afternoon, September 13, 2020. It was empty so we were seated immediately. First of all, I would like to tell everyone about the stores. "Male clerks in suits are the worst. They are not suitable for the customer service industry." He silently approaches the table, silently places his drink down, and silently walks away. What kind of person are you? Are you conscious of carrying the Takashimaya signboard on your back? However, the female clerk is very enthusiastic and has great customer service! Now, the important thing is food. According to my research, Omiya is a Neapolitan town. So, I ordered "Teppanyaki Neapolitan". The Neapolitan that was brought to me looked very delicious! The part that touches the iron plate is dark, which is a matter of personal preference. I'll take a bite. delicious! ︎ Ketchup is delicious!! ︎ The taste is neither sweet nor sour. delicious! ︎ I ate it all at once! It's a shame that even though the food is so delicious, the male waiter's customer service is so poor. This is a recommended flavor when you want to eat Neapolitan!

  • 小花Tammy



    A lot of omiyage available

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