Genji i Osaka




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒557-0043 Osaka, Nishinari Ward, Tamadehigashi, 2-chōme−14−4 Grace帝塚山 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6656-9559
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6238509, Longitude: 135.4945171

kommentar 5

  • SOL STAR777

    SOL STAR777


    Amazing wonderful loving atmosphere and staff! I had my 32nd early birthday today here! With my girlfriend and her mother. The food, tea sake cake etc.. was and is excellent! Everyone clapped along and smiled for my birthday song people all around not just the staff. Thank you Genji and Japanese people! ♥️♥️♥️♥️🇯🇵🌞🌝👍😊😘☀️

  • Niki C

    Niki C


    My cousin and I are foodies, we have visited numbers restaurants from three Michelin stars to street vendors, I think Genji is the best restaurant I have visited so far, they impressed me with not only the exceptional food, also the excellent services. We made reservation to seat on the bar( recommended by my friend) where you can directly communicate with chef to learn about how the meals are made. Come experience it yourself, my word can’t describe it enough.

  • buen cocinero

    buen cocinero


    wow everything is so delicious ! especially the stir fried oyster is the kicking ass!

  • Craig Hyde

    Craig Hyde


    I really enjoyed my time at Genji. The staff was kind, the food delicious and the space beautiful. I really recommend this restaurant! Updated 2017 09 09 This restaurant is still my favorite restaurant in Japan. I still highly recommend this restaurant.

  • Lorenzo



    Nice atmosphere but the restaurant is overpriced and the food is not worthy the price. 110 US for a tempura, 5 very samall appetisers, water and sake. There are better and way less expensive restaurants in the city. Disappointed. Is a no go for me! Any other street restaurant would have gave me a beer Japanese experience.

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