ć‚«ćƒ³ćƒćƒ•ć‚§ćƒŖćƒ¼ćƒć‚§ w Akashi




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Japan, 怒673-0016 Hyogo, Akashi, Matsunouchi, 2-chōme, ꘎ēŸ³åø‚ę¾ć®å†…ļ¼’äøē›®ļ¼’
kontakt telefon: +81 78-924-2177
strona internetowej: www.castlehotel.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.6669453, Longitude: 134.9640429

komentarze 5

  • Seto K

    Seto K


    It's a beautiful place with a good atmosphere. The interior was beautiful, and I was impressed with the attention to detail, including the food lighting and the texture of the tableware. Regarding the lighting, by shining a point light on the food, the surroundings were not too dazzling and the brightness was calm, making it comfortable to spend time in and the food stood out. As for the tableware, the texture of the plate of cold pasta I received this time had a texture similar to the surface of ice, giving the impression of a cool summer atmosphere, and I was impressed by the detail in the presentation. Also, the staff was always on hand and the buffet zone seemed to be kept clean, which made me feel comfortable. This time I had the set menu for lunch. For someone like me who doesn't eat much, it was great to be able to sample a variety of different dishes, such as cold pasta from the seasonal menu, pizza with unlimited refills, and self-made salads and soups. There is also a chocolate fountain, so I think it would be fun for families with children. The chocolate had just the right amount of sweetness and was delicious after a meal.

  • å²”ē”°ē“—也加ļ¼ˆmogmog_sayakaļ¼‰



    Campo Felice's 3 recommended items! ā–  Assorted appetizers 1,800 yen/2 servings 惻Akashi seaweed zeppolini 惻Today's carpaccio 惻Homemade pate de campagne Ā·Quiche Lorraine 惻Local vegetable salad 惻Carrot rapĆ© etc. ā–  Pizza raw ham Bismarck 2300 yen ā–  Pasta Volcano with plenty of cheese 2000 yen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appetizers and salads are Vegetables and local ingredients mainly from Nishi Ward, Kobe City, It uses Akashi's day net and looks gorgeousā£ļøšŸ„— Neapolitan pizza baked in a new dome-shaped oven Cali and chewy, you can enjoy the texture until the last bite ā™” We are also particular about the fabric! Uses powder from Caputo, a company favored by Neapolitan pizza makers! Made in Campania, Italy, the birthplace of pizza. Authentic pizza flour ā€œSaccorosso Tipoā€ It is characterized by its high aroma and rich flavor. All pasta is made by Awaji Mengyo. Baked in a new pot, it's like a volcano. Bolognese baked pasta overflowing with plenty of cheese Both taste and volume are ā—Ž! šŸ ** The above menu is [Specialty course 3500 yen] available āœØ The course also includes 惻Beef loin tagliata Japanese style red wine sauce 惻Homemade dolce It comes with a price tag ā˜ŗļø Upgrades and additional menus are also available for an additional fee ā™” +Ā„1000 Changed to Japanese black beef cheek stew in red wine +Ā„1000 Wood-fired mackerel, Akashi seaweed, white wine sauce Comes with barrel sparkling Free drinks are 2500 yen for 90 minutesšŸ„‚āœØ According to the customer's scene We will also consult with you about the budget and the contents of the meal ā˜ŗļø Anniversary message plates are also available šŸŽ‚ Akashi people know, Campo Felice has been popular at Castle Hotel for a long time. Loved by generations šŸ„°

  • é£Ÿć„ć—ć‚“åŠćƒ—ćƒŖćƒ³ć‚»ć‚¹



    An Italian restaurant famous for its authentic Neapolitan pizza baked in a wood-fired oven. The all-you-can-eat pizza lunch is said to be popular, so I made a reservation for lunch and visited. As soon as you enter the store, there is an impressive pizza oven, and they also offer take-out pizza. Seating is at a table. #today's lunch ā˜…Seasonal pasta lunch 2,150 yen (Peperoncino with cherry shrimp and spring cabbage) ā˜…Fish lunch 2500 yen (Sakura sea bream and asparagus grilled in a wood oven) Prices vary depending on the main dish, and all come with a set menu. The contents of today's set menu are *Wood-fired pizza 惻Picante oil Ā·Tabasco *french fries *Zeppolini with Sakura shrimp and Akashi seaweed *Doria with Castle Plaza's special curry and homemade white sauce *Today's wood-fired oven 惻Sweet potato Ā·pork 惻Onion *Mortadella Caesar salad *Asparagus and bacon quiche *Shrimp and green pea cocktail *Mentaiko potato salad *Salad buffet 8 types 惻3 types of dressing Ā·fried onions 惻Croutons 惻Grana Padano Ā·olive Ā·corn *soup Ā·corn potage 惻Sweet potato potage *5 types of bread Ā·margarine 惻2 types of jam *Dessert corner 惻Strawberry chocolate fountain *drink bar The theme was cherry blossoms, so there were beautiful spring-like pink dishes lined up, and the chocolate fountain was also strawberry for a limited time only. Pizza was also available at the buffet corner, but freshly baked pizza will be brought to your table. They accept requests for pizza sizes from small to large, and the staff are very courteous. Delicious hot pizza. Not only the pizza, but the buffet was also delicious, and I especially liked the zeppolini, doria, quiche, and cocktails. At the end, we enjoyed the strawberry fountain and coffee and had a wonderful time.

  • Frieder Zimmer

    Frieder Zimmer


    Food very good Very friendly waiters and employees Unfortunately no English menu available but was successfully šŸ‘Œ

  • ģœ ź°•ķ˜„

    ģœ ź°•ķ˜„


    everything. not preference

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