Akaishi w Akashi




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 怒673-0016 Hyogo, Akashi, Matsunouchi, 2-chōme, ꘎ēŸ³åø‚ę¾ć®å†…ļ¼’äøē›®ļ¼’ ćƒ›ćƒ†ćƒ«ć‚­ćƒ£ćƒƒć‚¹ćƒ«ćƒ—ćƒ©ć‚¶B1
kontakt telefon: +81 78-924-9188
strona internetowej: www.castlehotel.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.6669453, Longitude: 134.9640429

komentarze 5

  • ćˆć”ć”ć‚„



    It was a beautiful shop with a very nice atmosphere. We had a lunch limited to 10 people. The whole thing is beautifully arranged, and you can feel the flavor of each ingredient. The tempura was also fried just right.

  • ē¾Žę”œļ¼ˆé–¢č„æć‚°ćƒ«ćƒ”ļ¼‰



    [Akaishi] A Japanese restaurant that uses Akashi's "Maemon" luxuriouslyāœØ ā—ŽSatsuki seasonal set meal Ā„3,980 This menu changes every monthāœØ 惻Small bowl Akashi sea bream nanbanzuke, broad bean tofu 惻Structure: Grilled first bonito with frosting 惻Yakitaki Uo Hanayaki 惻Side dish Ayu 惻Small hotpot: Spanish mackerel and Banshu red chicken hotpot 惻Food: Fresh ginger rice 惻Fruit: grapefruit, purple sweet potato mochi, ice cream From appetizers to desserts in a basket Everything is so beautifulšŸ„¹āœØ Sashimi, tempura, hot pot, etc. Iā€™m happy to be able to eat a little bit of a variety of things šŸ’• All dishes are elegant and flavorful. The time and effort put into each one is It really gets across šŸ˜ŒšŸ©µšŸ©µ The interior of the store has a modern Japanese and calm atmosphereāœØ Recommended for anniversaries and entertainment šŸ«¶ #Japanese Cuisine Akashi #Akashi Gourmet #Akashi Japanese Cuisine #Hotel Castle Plaza #Hyogo Gourmet

  • ć½ć‚Šć‚“



    Ļ†(ļ½„Ļ‰ļ½„*) Hmm... nya (*^^*) I'm sorry ~ (^-^)/Akaishi (=^eh^=) The food was delicious šŸ˜† The explanation of the food was also very thorough! ļø

  • 恟恋恟恋悭惠惁



    I used it at a dinner party. The food tasted and looked great, and there was a variety of local alcoholic beverages, so I really enjoyed it.

  • Mieko Tsujino

    Mieko Tsujino


    This was my first time in Nishi-Akashi and I was looking for dinner to stay at the hotel where this restaurant is located, but I had dinner at Akaishi and was very satisfied! ! ! Not only was everything beautiful and delicious, but I was surprised at how cheap it was considering the quality.

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