Kani Honke Crab i Fukuoka

JapanKani Honke Crab



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2-chōme-1-1 Nanokawa, Minami Ward, Fukuoka, 815-0081, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-534-0505
internet side: www.kani-honke.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5755712, Longitude: 130.4118151

kommentar 5

  • William Chen (眉毛哥)

    William Chen (眉毛哥)


    It is really delicious カニ meals, and all the meals are fresh and the service is really great. All meals are served in the private room, so you can enjoy your primacy here with your family and friends. Personal recommend: ★ ★ ★ ★ Family-friendly: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Date for couples: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Parking lot: ◯ free parking Services/meals/products/design: ★ ★ ★ ★ Period for stay: 2 hours Charge: 3 adults ~24,000 yen Baby room/accessible toilet: ◯ Cleanness: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

  • Ave



    We had ordered Zuihou Kaiseki and Utagenomaki Kanisuki to share. The snow crab sashimi was fresh and sweet. Definitely one of our favourite dish. Boiled crab with vinegar was served with sweet vinegar and mayo vinegar. We preferred the latter. The Snow Crab Kanisuki was refreshing and the crab was fresh. The porridge was sweet because it had used the leftover soup to cook it. Overall the dinner was worth it.

  • shell



    Ordered 3 lunch set for 5 people, more than enough food. Crab meat was very nice and fresh. The side dishes also went very well with it. Would recommend and would come back.

  • Jael Wenceslao

    Jael Wenceslao


    Crab overload dining experience - in a good way. The highlight for us were the dumplings and the croquettes (which my kid devoured). We had the set menu of Koubai and Jyuraku. My kid had the Pirika. The toro was excellent also. Best you reserve ahead for the private rooms. We were only able to sit in the public dining area as the private rooms were fully occupied. Spacious public dining though, and good for big groups. Service was quick. If you’re a tourist, and love crabs/seafood, then try this place.

  • BBO Danny

    BBO Danny


    A high class crab fine dining in Japan All of courses are really decent and delicate I have ordered crab sashimi and crab hotpot Nothing i can complain Private room will be provided Reservation for this restaurant is a must

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