元祖 赤のれん 和亭(なごみてい) i Fukuoka

Japan元祖 赤のれん 和亭(なごみてい)



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒812-0011 Fukuoka, Hakata Ward, Hakata Ekimae, 4-chōme−24−10 松崎ビル
kontakter telefon: +81 92-474-6454
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5836336, Longitude: 130.4175548

kommentar 5

  • hikotto



    I had the fried rice set. The soup is pork bones with a strong soy sauce and extra-thin noodles. I didn't think the taste would impress me, but the cost performance is amazing. Other customers asked for set meals such as sweet and sour pork rather than ramen, so that may have been better.

  • _cchi Yamamo

    _cchi Yamamo


    The menu is almost the same as the restaurant in Daimyo. I think the soup is a little less greasy. It feels gentle. It seems that half ramen is available from 5pm.

  • 白玉ノリスケ



    It's been a long time since I've been to Aka Noren, or maybe it's my first time at this store. To put it bluntly, it has quite a pork bone feel. The atmosphere is dark. The ramen is normal, but the aftertaste leaves a feeling of pork bone. The amount of fried rice is moderate, but it has a greasy aroma. I guess I like it. It's good that it's cheap and comes out quickly.

  • Turj



    Easily one of the worst ramen restaurant I've been in Japan. We ordered a simple couple lunch set and the staff succeed to forget the accompanying chahan. Ramen was not tasteful and top of all, we were added a 200 yen fee which came out of nowhere. Nope, nope and nope. No way I am going back there. It's not worth it even considered the price range.

  • Heley How

    Heley How


    Cheap and delicious

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