Ono no Hanare i Fukuoka

JapanOno no Hanare



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒810-0073 Fukuoka, Chuo Ward, Maizuru, 1-chōme−3−11 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 92-726-6239
internet side: ono-group.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5914559, Longitude: 130.3928605

kommentar 5

  • nzm sk

    nzm sk


    A friend of mine took me there. Sashimi: Assorted variety. Well, I guess it's like this. I'm not impressed Grilled fish: Hmm. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't plump either. I think it was the mackerel...the shio konbu sauce was delicious. Sushi: All you can eat. I wasn't impressed either. The rice should be cooked to a slightly firm consistency. However, the wasabi was quite strong. All-you-can-drink branded sake is amazing! When I wiped the table with a towel, it was quite dirty so it was a big negative. The total cost is about 10,000 yen, so I think I'll go with it next time, but I don't think I'll make a reservation myself.

  • tea oga

    tea oga


    I used it in a group. I made a reservation based on a recommendation from a local, and all of the dishes were delicious and very satisfying, mainly seafood. The all-you-can-drink menu included a wide variety of sake, and many people ended up drinking too much, making it a fun social gathering. It's a little pricey, but overall it was very good.

  • nanana



    Not sure of dinner prices, but lunch prices are probably the best here in terms of amount and quality of fish-centered menus!🐟 During the lunch hours, there is a fixed price for the number of side dishes you order. An additional price may be added depending on the specific type of side dish you order for your lunch set. The sashimi served here is super duper fresh! If you are not a big eater, the lunch set with the smallest portion (which is the one containing two side dishes of your choice) is highly recommended. You will mostly likely be full and satisfied with two side dishes.

  • Michael Taniwa

    Michael Taniwa


    A hidden gem among thousands of eateries in this gastronomic mecca. Amazing service and the chef and his team display their creations from the locally available bounty

  • i oah

    i oah


    An excellent meal

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