Kanda Smile Shikashoni Dental Clinic en Kanda

JapónKanda Smile Shikashoni Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒800-0361 Fukuoka, Miyako District, Kanda, Jindenchō, 2-chōme−25−20
contactos teléfono: +81 93-436-4618
sitio web: www.kajiwara-shika.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.791574, Longitude: 130.981187

comentarios 5

  • 綾則明



    Sudden consultations will be refused, and if you are just a little late for the appointment for the tooth being treated, the schedule will be changed, and who is the main hospital? I’ve already quit❗️😡

  • 黒崎魔鈴



    I was wondering if I should choose another dentist, but I still go to Dr. Ogawa (sorry if I got his name wrong, he's a male doctor with a gentle voice who wears glasses) because of his thorough treatment and treatment (lol) Nomination If I could, I'd like it to happen every time...but it doesn't seem like that, so I try to count myself lucky when I get a teacher. Anyway, the treatment and the way I speak to you during the treatment are very polite. I feel very at ease as he explains what he is doing while performing the treatment. He provides detailed explanations during and after treatment, and with such attentiveness, I don't feel like leaving. However, since there are various doctors and dental hygienists available, I sometimes feel that it is not a good fit, so I gave it 4 stars. While many hospital receptionists are unfriendly, the receptionists here have nice smiles and are polite and polite.

  • mark



    Up until now, I had been getting tartar removed at a local dentist, but due to my work and being away from my hometown, I couldn't go there on weekdays, so I asked here because they also do it on Sundays. I think it's a hit or miss with the staff, but when I told them that there was tartar left on my teeth, they said, ``That's the natural roughness of teeth.'' The dentist I had been to before had done a really good job of keeping my teeth smooth and nothing like this had happened, and when I checked with a mirror after returning home, I found that there was clearly some tartar left. I felt so uncomfortable that I thought he was lying to get the job done quickly. Also, I don't know if it was the teacher or the dental hygienist, but the conversation with the patient was extremely long and noisy. The final touch was that after paying the bill, the receptionist said, ``We look forward to seeing you again.'' Isn't it usually "take care"? What's going on with education here? Are you not good at choosing words? I have been to several dentists in the past, but this was the first time I was made to feel so uncomfortable. Honestly, I don't want to give even one star. This is my honest opinion. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you want to read this or not.

  • _由香



    There are hits and misses depending on the teacher. I've had my tooth extracted twice, and the first doctor was very thorough and took his time, but he pulled it out properly. The second doctor took a long time and was busy, so he finished without taking any x-rays. The pain didn't subside, and the area where I had it removed didn't close, so I felt strange, so I took an X-ray and found that it was left unplugged...I had a babysitter, so I used it when my child was small, but I haven't been there since my child got older. I haven't.

  • Pa- “mimi” ru

    Pa- “mimi” ru


    After 4 visits, the pain was so severe that I rushed to a nearby dentist and had them treat me urgently at Smile Dentist. It was the worst. I wanted to see the fundamental treatment, but the gaps on both ends were cut down pointlessly, and I was given treatment that didn't make any sense. After that, I had my teeth examined at Kyushu Dental University, and it was discovered that food particles were constantly getting stuck in the gaps, causing inflammation of the gums. I really wish they would stop giving me proper treatment. It says it's a pediatric dentist, but I definitely don't want to send my child there for treatment.

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