Kakurinbo in 南巨摩郡




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Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
Japan, 〒409-2524 Yamanashi, Minamikoma District, 南巨摩郡Minobu, 身延町身延3510
kontakte telefon: +81 556-62-0014
webseite: www.kakurinbo.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.379625, Longitude: 138.427598

kommentare 5

  • Peter Mellor

    Peter Mellor


    Kakurinbo more than lived up to my expectations. There is a bit of a walk up from from the bus stop, but I enjoyed that. The rooms are lovely and traditional with paper sliding doors, Tatami mats on the floor, and a comfy futon. I totally recommend the food option. Who knew that vegetarian food could be so good, and beautifully presented. The morning service at the Temple is a must see. The staff are so kind and helpful, and speak good English. I loved it so much, I stayed an extra day! Thank you all. ♥️.

  • Sargam Bansal Dhodi

    Sargam Bansal Dhodi


    Kakurinbo in Minobu offers an enchanting retreat with warm hospitality and exquisite cuisine. Guests are welcomed with genuine kindness and attentive service, making them feel right at home. The culinary experience is exceptional, featuring beautifully presented dishes with seasonal and locally sourced ingredients. The serene setting and traditional ambiance enhance the overall experience. It was the best stay of our entire Japan trip, making Kakurinbo a must-visit for its warm hospitality and wonderful food.

  • Hunter Kern

    Hunter Kern


    It was a wonderful experience and the staff were friendly and engaging to speak too. If you don't have a taxi to the place the walk up can be tiring but getting a bath right after words totally make up for any exhaustion you may have. The room I was in was very clean and comfy. The food was a new and exciting experience to have.

  • Brook Ashcraft

    Brook Ashcraft


    Could not recommend this place enough. Definitely get the food option. Everything is delicious and perfectly cooked. Well-thought-out meals and everything vegetarian. It was my first time trying true japanese style food and I am in love. Definitely come hungry because it is very filling. The baths were lovely, the surrounding town is lovely. If you can make it to the temple for the service in the morning, it's a lovely experience.

  • Forrest Allison

    Forrest Allison


    This place has real heart and soul. The whole town does, actually, but especially this ryokan. You can tell the staff really cares and puts their love and attention into making it super nice. It really has the human element. The food is also incredibly elaborate and delicious. We almost went without it to save money and that would have a massive mistake. It is VERY interesting and very worth it. The temple and the gondola up to the mountain top are both amazing. Two nights here was time well spent. If you're looking for a small town full of super nice Buddhist vibes that isn't TOO touristy while still having good things for tourists to do, this is the spot. Great rural Japan experience.

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