Mujoudo in Fuji




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247 Minamimatsuno, Fuji, Shizuoka 421-3303, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 545-69-3588
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1745333, Longitude: 138.6021611

kommentare 5

  • koto2421



    It seems that the shaved ice season has arrived again this year. The matcha azuki milk (large) ¥950 I received was exquisite, not too sweet or bitter. It's great on a sunny day, but I enjoyed it even on a rainy day. paypay available 🅿️ is a large gravel parking lot in front of the store.

  • Jeffrey Char

    Jeffrey Char


    Tranquil escape awaits! Nestled in a charming farmhouse, this cafe boasts a serene Japanese garden. The coffee was perfect. Food options are limited, but a delightful hot dog complements the experience.

  • 313 313

    313 313


    Mujodo is a cafe located in a renovated old private house located at 247 Minamimatsuno, Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture. If you go north on Prefectural Route 10 past the Tomei Expressway and cross the Shin-Tomei Expressway, you will be almost there along the Shin-Tomei Expressway, and there will be information boards, so you will be able to get there. The parking lot is large. Be careful not to go too far. There is also the former Iwabuchi Fire Watchtower (registered cultural property) nearby, making it a nostalgic place. Of course, Mt. Fuji is also perfect! I ordered a special sandwich and seasonal coffee set. Enjoy the sour coffee and the delicious sausage, which is more like a hot dog than a sandwich. I arrived at the store after 2pm after lunch, and it was enough for a snack. My partner is baked sweets and a coffee set. There was a sign prohibiting photography inside the store, but when I asked the staff if I could take photos of the food, they happily replied that it was okay, so I'll post the photos I took.

  • ともぞう。



    You can get here by bus from Fujikawa Station. Get off at Negata and walk for about 10 minutes. We arrived. If you come by car, there is also a parking lot. This is a cafe space There is a building where exhibitions can be held. There are not many seats in the cafe space. You might just have to wait a little while. And there's also a fire lookout tower here. It might be a good idea to come and have a look here. And since it's Fuji City, if the weather is nice, You can also see Mt. Fuji beautifully.

  • Austin Tsai

    Austin Tsai


    Great old house. Long distance from the town, but matcha is so tasted. If u are lucky, u can see Mt. Fuji.

nächste Cafe

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