quatre épice Fuji in Fuji

Japanquatre épice Fuji



🕗 öffnungszeiten

152-2 Urijimachō, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0057, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 545-55-3388
webseite: www.quatre-epice.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.163956, Longitude: 138.674592

kommentare 5

  • jay y parko

    jay y parko


    A popular sweets shop. The store has a spacious parking lot and a sophisticated interior, with cakes, baked goods, gelato, and a separate chocolate area for payment, so you won't think there's any sweets that aren't there. Eat-in was also possible. It was crowded, but I was able to sit down in good time. I chose two cakes and received a plate with three chocolates for an additional 550 yen. The limited leaf ginger chiffon cake was delicious. The staff kindly explained it to me😊

  • shuki “66shuki”

    shuki “66shuki”


    [Check Point] ■Popular patisserie by a pastry chef from Quilfabon ■Eat-in and take-out available Quatre Epice Fuji branch is a popular patisserie from Quilfabon, Shizuoka. It's best to come by car as it's a long distance from the nearest station. There is also a parking lot in front of the store. The exterior has a concrete look and lush vegetation that gives it a different space feel and a nice hideaway feel. The interior is spacious and has a wooden feel that makes you feel like you're in a forest. Eat-in is also possible. The owner patissier is originally from Quilfabon, a famous sweets shop in Shizuoka. quatre epice has two stores in Fuji and Shimizu, where you can enjoy fruit tarts, cakes, and chocolate. They have a wide variety of cakes and chocolates, so you can spend a relaxing time with your favorite cake and coffee. ■Chocolate plate You can order a chocolate plate by choosing two or more types of chocolate cake. Comes with 3 types of small sweets. ・Strawberry bonbon, orange jam sphere, cacao cake ①Mont Blanc The caramel-chocolate caramel will chase after you. It contains fresh cream and delicious marron cream inside. ②Pistachio The two types of cream, pistachio chocolate and pistachio, are rich and flavorful. ■Fresh cheese cake A cake made with fresh cheese from Nagano's Atelier Ed Fromage. The moist, rich cream has a good balance of elegant sweetness and subtle acidity. ■Berry tart The mousse has a nice vanilla scent, and the berries and strawberries are both good quality and delicious. ◆I would appreciate it if you could save it as a reference◆ _________________ instagram: 66shuki Twitter: 66shuki TikTok : 66shuki _________________

  • Dulces de Mari Suzuki

    Dulces de Mari Suzuki


    I love this place the cake are so good!

  • 松田



    Little expensive but the quality is peerless

  • Ronaldo Yuiti 横山 (ronyuiti)

    Ronaldo Yuiti 横山 (ronyuiti)


    So delicious! 😋

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