Kaila i Shibuya-ku




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒150-0041 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Jinnan, 1 Chome−21, 神南1丁目21−3 渋谷モディ 9F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6427-1310
internet side: www.cafe-kaila.com
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Latitude: 35.66159, Longitude: 139.700498

kommentar 5

  • kenny fung

    kenny fung


    Pan cake wonderful, have live music. Environment is relax and feel good

  • en

    Jet Jet


    I saw a messy line.. I tried talk to a waiter standing in front of counter.. I asked if we need to write name. He just replied go outside and wait one hour! He replied bluntly as I talk in a nice way.. also, I saw a few tables that are empty for past 30 min, but they have not get anyone in yet.. what a weird arrangement. The place that we queuing have no air condition which is hot for summer.. You might serve good pancakes but your service are sucks! I will not come back for this.

  • en



    I went to the place this morning and I saw a few locals waiting in front of the shop but when I looked inside half the seats were empty; so I asked the guy reception, if it was a line for pancake? He didn't understand and Just wave hands at me without no words. And I asked again If I could have a seat, He said NO. I tried to speak to him he only wave his hand with no smile on his face. So I stopped trying. I didn't yell or even spoke impolite with him but I was rejected completely. I was hungry and didn't want to go to Starbucks or mainstream cafe on the street, That I walked 20 minutes to Omotesando. I thought even though the reception couldn't speak English; at least he should welcome customers with more manner, I felt like chasing out of the shop. I saw some comments from tourists; and they didn't have same problem. Maybe I was just unlucky. Still, the treatment I got was totally unacceptable. BAD SERVICE

  • Jimmy Dinh

    Jimmy Dinh


    I appreciated their friendly service and willingness to modify my orders, e.g. No potatoes with my eggs Benedict, and 1/3 the portion of the regular-sized pancakes. Would definitely come again. Really enjoyed their pancakes.

  • en

    Kathy Wan


    Great fluffy pancakes, the jambalaya is also really good. Always a long line in the afternoon but not too bad if you come before lunch time.

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