Lad’s Dining Casual Bar i Shibuya-ku

JapanLad’s Dining Casual Bar


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Japan, 〒150-0043 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Dōgenzaka, 1 Chome−7−9 Y.PLACE3F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5784-1321
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Latitude: 35.6575777, Longitude: 139.6992012

kommentar 3

  • Raghunandan Rao

    Raghunandan Rao


  • tea_party_tee



    i want to give this place a 10 star rate for being great and having very friendly staff and customers, and the manger was delightful to talk to cant wait to go back for more drinks

  • Jarrad Jinx

    Jarrad Jinx


    Lad's is a chain bar, but a great way to kill some time or just chill with some friends. All the ones I've been to are typically smaller, mostly bar space and smaller tables. They have all you can eat popcorn. They also have a dice game. Pay ¥500 roll two dice, match the numbers to the chart in the menu, possibly get a good deal on a drink. Possibly lose and end up with a water or a spicy shot. Some number combinations are not on the chart—thats a re-roll. Lad's also has shot roulette. They put seven shots on a spinny-deal, and one or two are spicy shots.

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