Kyushu Jangara Ramen Harajuku i Shibuya-ku

JapanKyushu Jangara Ramen Harajuku



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1 Chome-13-21 Jingūmae, Shibuya-ku, Tōkyō-to 150-0001, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3779-3660
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6695955, Longitude: 139.7034827

kommentar 5

  • Karl Kurz

    Karl Kurz


    Best ramen I have ever had. The garlic broth choice was outstanding!

  • Rohan Mehra

    Rohan Mehra


    Excellent Vegan ramen! Ask for extra Char-Siu for a hearty feed. Other additional options are spring onions, mushrooms and bamboo shoots.

  • en

    James Tan


    Really love the ramen here. The place is also fit for those who come in big number of people. They have quite a spacious place. The ramen they serve is various. The have different type of broth. The speciality is the mix broth consist of pig, fish, and chicken broth. Ordered that one and love it. They also have maze ramen (dry ramen). Remember the size of ramen bowl in japan is humongous.

  • Mathieu Filipic

    Mathieu Filipic


    Wonderful place. Nice eating, great service and well located near Harajuku's main street, 1 mn walk from the train station. Do not hesitate to refill your ramen bowl with noodles. Oh, and the place has a nice typical feeling.

  • Ret Eng

    Ret Eng


    My favorite Tonkotsu Ramen bar none! The Bonsho is simply perfection! The broth has been cooked for hours and is amazingly flavorful. 20 yen extra for a soft boiled egg is worth it! They also serve an amazing Vegan broth that people seek out and that you would never guess to be vegan. Fast efficient courteous service, you order and pay as you walk in at the register. You are given a token which you take to your seat and your server uses to bring your order. Perfection. A must eat in Japan.

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