かふぇ風花 en Agano




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2-41 Kanedachō, Agano, Niigata 959-2031, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 250-62-1011
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.8303282, Longitude: 139.2320658

comentarios 5

  • おかか



    I think the cost performance is good. The store is cute, with moms handling it all by themselves. Girls stay longer. Of course it's delicious. 5 seats for 4 people, counter available

  • こげみ



    🌞 Weekday lunch visit 💴 1,000~ per person 🍴 ✔︎Milk crepe set Thick and firm mille crepe I'm happy with the amount of fruit Drinks include coffee, tea, and orange juice. ❤️ Store response There is no possibility or impossibility. Feels like a town cafe At noon, it feels like a neighborhood madam's meeting at the well. 👛 Cash payment only 🅿️ There are several spaces on both sides of the store.

  • nekokage猫影



    2023/10/19 Visit I went in on a weekday afternoon with a friend from out of town. We drank coffee on the terrace overlooking the mountains and rice fields while watching the occasional swans fly by. The scenery and the weather were great, and I felt great! Inside the store, there were several wives who seemed to be regulars, and a man who seemed to be staying a long time. There were light snacks on the menu, so I knew that I would want to stay for a while after I ate, and the space looked comfortable. I think the innocent conversations and laughter of the neighborhood wives make for a nice background music (lol) The coffee cup was a Wedgewood one, and the spoon that came with it was also a cute Peter Rabbit one with a vintage feel. I can do it. 😁

  • れ


    The interior is bright and stylish with a full view of the natural scenery. There was only a set menu for dessert, which felt expensive. The parfait looked gorgeous, but after eating the fruit on top, the only thing inside was ice cream. Also, the sound of people working on the counter was loud! Or bang! I heard this all the time, and was surprised every time. So it wasn't very comfortable.

  • とんたん



    A small cafe in Agano City. The name is cute too~ I asked my friend. It was Sunday afternoon. Mom was managing it all by herself. There was a group of customers. There were about 4 counter and table seats in the store. We sat by the window (lol) and had a great time eating and chatting. I am Doria Set. (with coffee) My friend ordered the brunch set with more pasta. (with coffee) After dinner, we both ate a fruit parfait (lol) (lol) and we were full. I think the price is less than 2000 yen. You can clearly see the mountains of Mt. Gozu from the window, and the scenery is amazing ♬ There were also table seats in the small garden, so I wonder if we can eat outside when it gets a little warmer? I don't want to tell you too much about it, but it's a cafe with a nice atmosphere.

Cafetería más cercano

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