Starbucks Coffee - Akita ALS en Akita

JapónStarbucks Coffee - Akita ALS



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒010-8530 Akita, Nakadōri, 7-chōme−2−1 秋田ステーションビル アルス
contactos teléfono: +81 18-884-7011
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.7179952, Longitude: 140.1287549

comentarios 5

  • Alan Yeo

    Alan Yeo


    Another great Starbucks well located within walking distance from the Akita JR station and beside a good class hotel. The shops were closing pretty early due to winter season but Starbucks was still opened. You need to enter through a side door within the main door of the shopping mall. They had some Christmas promotion while we were there. Saw a number of students doing revision there as well. A good cup of coffee as expected from Starbucks with great pastries and cakes.

  • Sake Navigator

    Sake Navigator


    Just right next to the Akita train station and below the Metropolitan Hotel. Have a lot of seats and you can enjoy the view of the train station.

  • Jason



    Starbucks at Akita station. Nice branch with very happy and friendly staff. On a Saturday morning, was a good place to relax before a Shinkansen trip. Wasn't very busy at this time either. Coffee was as usual, good. The ham and cheese baguette was super tasty and made for a filling breakfast.

  • Avriel Cirineo

    Avriel Cirineo


    good coffee and doughnuts... and the perfect place to get work done

  • James Helm

    James Helm


    Clean well appointed establishment with a great window looking out on the Square in front of Akita station. Great for people watching.

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