Jichi Children's Medical Center Tochigi en Shimotsuke

JapónJichi Children's Medical Center Tochigi


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3311-1 Yakushiji, Shimotsuke, Tochigi 329-0431, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 285-44-2111
sitio web: www.jichi.ac.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3988442, Longitude: 139.8623961

comentarios 5

  • K Nrslt

    K Nrslt


    Dr. Wakae, who specializes in pediatrics and neurology, is a really kind teacher. From the time we were born to when we graduated from GCU to our outpatient visits, I felt that they were very considerate in how they communicated this to our parents, and even if I had a question that was off-topic, they would listen to me until the end before answering. My son's doctor is my doctor and I always feel at ease! I also want to express my gratitude to everyone at GCU, the main building, every day. It's not too big so you won't get lost and the nursing space is clean. I'm sure there are many doctors and nurses, so of course there will be differences, but I would give it a 5 star. If there is a specialized hospital like this in the area It's really helpful. nice to meet you

  • ゆ


    The teacher in charge is very kind. One female nurse's intimidating manner of speaking has tarnished my image. I think patients have the right to choose their hospital. Will this nurse decide? I don't understand why nurses are pushing other hospitals that don't have specialists.

  • ちょこぱん



    I went to the emergency room for my child's injuries. Even though other large hospitals refused me, they examined me here, took CT scans, and gave me a thorough examination. The doctors and nurses were very kind and I felt like I could trust them. thank you very much!

  • あきみ



    I went to the head-shape outpatient clinic. It's convenient to know when you're being called no matter where you are because it's called using a tablet! The store in the center was Family Mart, and you could use the Family Mart app and Rakuten points♪ The receptionist, the doctor, and the radiology technician were all very kind. I decided not to undergo helmet treatment, so I only went there once. It's spacious so it doesn't seem crowded even when there are people, and the waiting time was about as long as I was told, and since it's a large hospital, there was a long wait! There was nothing like that. It says there is only one person accompanying them, but most of them were couples. I took the bus from the station and then walked.

  • Yukie Shinohara (うさこ)

    Yukie Shinohara (うさこ)


    very beautiful. It's bright and has a nice space. It feels like the image of the hospital is being overturned. The waiting time was long, so I relaxed at the place in the photo.

El hospital más cercano

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