松岡クリニック en Oyama



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Japan, 〒323-0829 Tochigi, Oyama, Higashijōnan, 1-chōme−3−32
contactos teléfono: +81 285-27-4135
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.2984806, Longitude: 139.8128783

comentarios 3

  • ぬいぬこ



    When I plucked up the courage to contact him and ask him a question, he asked me, ``Which side are you hanging it on?'' and we couldn't have a conversation. If you have any questions, it may be better to say that this is your first visit, but I have some questions. I wasn't sure about it on online bulletin boards, so I asked if it was possible to test for ADHD. I received a mysterious refusal saying, ``The teacher is not feeling well, so please be understanding.'' I was very shocked by their terrible response and I don't want to call them again.

  • ぶーめぐ



    Teachers and staff here Everyone is kind. It seems like you have some health issues as well. Please be close to your patients. It seems that there are people who say various things. This is a clinic that I would like to work with for a long time.

  • 堀川圭輔



    People with developmental disabilities should be careful. When I was a student, I went to see a doctor here, and they told me that I was being spoiled or had a personality disorder, and I had a really bad experience. Basically, if a patient does not like the treatment, it is the attending physician who considers whether to treat the patient harshly or to dismiss the patient. Wouldn't it have been more appropriate for the attending physician here to also be the director of Totsuka Yacht School?

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