珈琲家 w Yatsushiro




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-9-14 Ōtemachi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto 866-0852, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 965-34-7009
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.506896, Longitude: 130.612695

komentarze 5

  • ハムスターとねこ



    When you search for coffee shops in Yatsushiro City, it always comes up at the top, and the reviews were good, so I went there. I ordered the wagyu beef curry set. It took a long time to be served, but the curry was delicious. I've been to a lot of stores and this one is pretty high on the list. When you order curry at any restaurant, you get that aftertaste of retort curry, and you wonder if they've made any changes to the retort curry, but the curry here has a handmade feel, is mild, and the meat is melt-in-your-mouth delicious, making me smile. It's gone. The after-meal coffee was brought to me in a timely manner, and the taste was sour and fruity, and it wasn't bitter, so even though I don't like bitter things, I enjoyed it as if it were juice. Yatsushiro has many famous restaurants.

  • おおたにしんいち



    . Blended coffee and coffee jelly parfait. Original blend or mellow coffee with little acidity or bitterness. This should definitely be delicious black. I don't know. Coffee jelly is the perfect balance with ice cream! I was surprised that it goes well with kiwi. The building looks like a long-established store, and it has a really nice atmosphere, so I was interested in the morning.

  • とし



    It was my second lunch. The food is very delicious. I think it's just the right amount or a little more for women. It seemed like the tables were full between 12pm and 1pm on weekdays, but there were more seats available from 1pm. Parking lot ② is located a little far away, so please use this as a reference.

  • とらとらコンビ



    This is a perfect place to call a coffee shop with a nice atmosphere that has been around for a long time. I visited for lunch and ordered a hamburger steak. It had a stylish but retro look♪ The hamburger had a nostalgic taste and was delicious♪ The curry that my mother ordered also looked delicious! The coffee had a deep bitter taste and I had a very relaxing time after the meal (^^) I would like to use it again♪

  • 田上琢也



    I came here for lunch at noon. We have added Wagyu beef curry and dessert for an additional 300 yen. The meat in the curry was tender and delicious. The taste of the curry itself was pretty average. The salad dressing in the lunch set was homemade and delicious, made with vegetables and fruits. Lunch includes coffee (orange juice or tea). I feel like it took a while to provide it. There were about 6 items on the lunch menu. It's also open at night, so next time I'd like to visit at night.

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