Kent w Yatsushiro




🕗 godziny otwarcia

508 Hinagu Nakamachi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto 869-5135, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 965-38-0675
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.4335802, Longitude: 130.5739034

komentarze 5

  • aquamarineblue miyazaki

    aquamarineblue miyazaki


    A coffee shop that has been running for 41 years☕️ It is said that the owner was responsible for most of the interior (floors, ceilings, and furniture). I am impressed by the attention to detail and cleanliness of the interior. Coffee ☕️ is brewed using a siphon, which is a valuable item these days when paper filters are in full swing. The taste is somewhere between flannel drip and paper drip. Since there is no successor, it may be closed in another 10 years. If you have a chance, why not stop by the hot springs♨️? *There is no parking lot, so it is best to park at the parking lot across the street (100 yen).

  • 岩川亮太



    This coffee shop is located across the street from the plaza where you can find the free footbath at Hinagu Onsen and the monument to Chikuwa Hinagu. I had the impression that it was a pure cafe run by an elderly woman. In addition to coffee, there were also light snacks such as curry and pilaf. This is a coffee shop that will make you feel nostalgic as if you have traveled back in time to the Showa era. I spent about 40 minutes waiting on the bus with iced coffee, and I think I had a great time.

  • 旅するソロBAN



    I always stop by when I come to Hinagu Onsen. It's a very relaxing cafe with a nostalgic atmosphere and run by a kind couple. I like the lemon squash here and always order it, but this time I ordered the "Hinagu milkshake". It's like sherbet or shaved ice, and it's a milkshake that you eat with a spoon rather than drinking. It was delicious with a gentle sweetness! ! By the way, lemon squash is still good! I always have to wait quite a while because they squeeze fresh lemons for me. It's so sour and delicious! I'll definitely go again, so please stay healthy!

  • Chris



    Great atmosphere here. Wonderful wooden interior - perfect for enjoying a nice lazy day coffee. And the coffee is good. Also a great place for getting a bite to eat. Oh, the milk shake here is good, too.

  • KittyWolfen



    Very friendly atmosphere and great coffee!

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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