Izakaya Banya Shinjuku Higashiguchi i Shinjuku City

JapanIzakaya Banya Shinjuku Higashiguchi



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Japan, 〒160-0022 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Shinjuku, 3-chōme−17−1, Isamiya Bldg., 5F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3341-0051
internet side: www.banya-group.jp
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Latitude: 35.6915978, Longitude: 139.7037484

kommentar 5

  • 磯泰延



    I enjoyed conversation with longtime friends Japanese food,and many types of alcohol in private room inside izakaya. I was able to receive excellent customer service from izakaya clerk. I want to take someone with me

  • Mai *

    Mai *


    It was used at a banquet and was very popular. I was looking for a restaurant with a private room for a dinner party of about 20 people, and I made a reservation here because the reviews were good. It seems that regardless of the number of people, you will have a completely private room, and the room is completely separated from other customers, so you can enjoy it without worrying about your surroundings. The room had a Japanese feel, and it was comfortable to relax in the horigotatsu type seats where you could take off your shoes. I reserved a course meal (sukiyaki course with 2 hours of all-you-can-drink). When making a reservation, I was able to choose between [individual] and [large platter] for how to divide the food, so I chose individual. When ordering individually, all items, including the sukiyaki pot, can be served individually, so it was nice to be able to eat at your own pace. The prices are not cheap, but the food is delicious, and it can be used to suit any occasion, whether you want to spend a relaxing time with a small group or a large group. Also, even if the course content is the same, the large plate course seems to be a little cheaper, so I think it's a good idea to choose according to the number of people and the needs of the participants. It was very well received by everyone who participated! It seems that they have affiliated stores, so I would like to use them again if I have the opportunity. Thank you for the meal.

  • Takashi Nikaido

    Takashi Nikaido


    Big izakaya.

  • Sayutining Wuri

    Sayutining Wuri


    All the food are amazing 😉

  • Ethan Byun

    Ethan Byun


    Great place to eat and drink.

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