新宿 女子会 魔法の国のアリス 新宿 ┃ 飲み放題 宴会 大人数 団体 人気 i Shinjuku-ku

Japan新宿 女子会 魔法の国のアリス 新宿 ┃ 飲み放題 宴会 大人数 団体 人気



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒160-0023 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Nishishinjuku, 1丁目5−1 新宿西口ハルク B3
kontakter telefon: +81 50-7300-2380
internet side: alice-mahounokuni.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.69264, Longitude: 139.698722

kommentar 5

  • Brock NameRemoved

    Brock NameRemoved


    Booked this place months in advance without much research for the 'experience' package with the Robot Cafe and Show afterwards. Food was great, and the staff provided excellent service despite not knowing much English. Food and drinks were great, but I wasn't a fan of the salad which contains quite a large amount of kale. Either way, we had fun, and that's what we're there for.

  • Colin Magne

    Colin Magne


    The decoration is nice, my kids loved it. But the food is very bad and pricey. I understand we pay for the themed place but it is still a restaurant. The level of the food is below just about any chain restaurants. Will definitely not go there again because of the food.

  • David Raftery

    David Raftery


    An Alice in Wonderland café. Prices are not too bad and food is good. If you are into Alice in wonderland then probably worth a visit

  • en

    Daren Rahal


    Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant. Went here after relaxing at the nearby Calico Cat Cafe (got our kids need for themed restaurants out of the way) It was pretty dated inside and food average but was amusing and satisfied the need.

  • en

    Brendyn Novak


    The service was great and the atmosphere was terrific. It really was a story book experience. Also be prepared to spend some cash.

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