Ito Chain Shibata Funabasama in Shibata

JapanIto Chain Shibata Funabasama



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Iribukuro-200-52 Funaoka, Shibata, Shibata District, Miyagi 989-1606, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 224-58-1515
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.0675706, Longitude: 140.7705605

kommentare 5

  • 萩原清幸



    When will you get 500 points by depositing 10,000 this month?

  • Maru Wan

    Maru Wan


    Around 11:45 on the 29th, two employees were having a chat near Kimchi. It's not about work. At least five minutes On the contrary, the one who worked seriously was so cute.

  • ごとーごと



    My mother came over for the first time in a while, so I went to buy dinner, but... it wasn't there. Isn't it rare that there is no horoyoi? As I was wandering around, a customer's older sister called out to me and said, ``It's not here!'', and after a while, she came out of her way to tell me, ``It's Horoyoi!!'' 😂😂 I burst out laughing. I was guided around the area and was able to find the perfect corner! The events that can only be found in a homely shop made me feel like going there again 😊✨The staff did a great job of putting the carts together✨!! ️I'll be there again!

  • kzk (dest)

    kzk (dest)


    It's nice to have a local supermarket with a local selection of products. Especially since Fresco has become a regular supermarket. The price is neither too low nor too high. The side dish corner is more fulfilling than rumored, considering the size of the store. The handmade rice balls with plums are also good because they have plum paste in the middle and on the top. ,

  • takegon 0817

    takegon 0817


    This is a supermarket that operates mainly in Sennan. It used to look like a commercial supermarket, but now it's clean. It gets quite crowded on holidays.

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