Fresh Food Moriya Murata in 村田町

JapanFresh Food Moriya Murata



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Japan, 〒989-1302 宮城県柴田郡村田町小泉西浦72
kontakte telefon: +81 224-82-1570
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.1068856, Longitude: 140.7254467

kommentare 5

  • 土井八朗



    It's annoying that the BGM in the store is Anpanman March, just like at Moriya 😇 When I went there today, it was playing lol Also, Checker-san's lack of friendliness and lack of "welcome" is the same as with Moriya.

  • aki. hira.

    aki. hira.


    The store name has changed to Maruhon Cowboy and the product display has changed, so I felt like I was on a treasure hunt while shopping, and I was able to buy most of the things I wanted.

  • すぎお



    The staff at the cash register was the worst. Hand over change and receipts with one hand. Immediately after handing over the change, he holds the item I bought in his hand and prepares to hand it to him, as if telling him to hurry up. The person in front of me was probably an acquaintance, so we chatted and took our time to pay the bill. It made me even more angry.

  • dang nguyen

    dang nguyen



  • Eli Walgrave

    Eli Walgrave


    I don't shop here often. But they have a chicken katsu the size of my hand. And it's actually good. Would recommend shopping here for the giant katsu alone.

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