Ito Chain Maruko in Shibata

JapanIto Chain Maruko



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-4-38 Tsukinoki Shimomachi, Shibata, Shibata District, Miyagi 989-1752, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 224-56-1034
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.0815715, Longitude: 140.8144171

kommentare 5

  • てぃだぬふぁー58



    The sashimi is fresh Clam clams are also large and delicious. Local vegetables are also fresh and good. Sweets are a little expensive

  • etsuko ken

    etsuko ken


    It's a supermarket in my neighborhood, so I use it occasionally, and I feel like I use it because it's nearby and has a decent selection of products.

  • Obake 13

    Obake 13


    Basically, there is not much difference in product selection from other Ito chain stores. Because the lighting is dim, it can be difficult to see things on narrow display shelves. In the space where cardboard boxes are placed directly near the cash register, there are times when items that are being sold at a discounted price are lined up to clear inventory.

  • さいとうゆき



    It's compact and easy to use. Although it is small, there is a 100 yen shop inside. In addition to vegetables, the local products corner also has a seafood section produced by fishermen. Vegetable and flower seedlings are sold outside. There aren't many types, but it's a good deal at about half the market price. You're lucky if you have the seedlings you want.

  • takegon 0817

    takegon 0817


    This is a supermarket in Tsukigi. It's part of the Ito chain, so the side dishes are from Ito. There is also a 100 yen shop and eat-in space. The liquor store Yamaya is adjacent. It's an easy store to use

nächste Supermarkt

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