イタリアン・トマト カフェ イオンモール直方店 w Nogata

Japoniaイタリアン・トマト カフェ イオンモール直方店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒822-0008 Fukuoka, Nogata, Yunohara, 2-chōme−1−1 イオンモール直方 1階
kontakt telefon: +81 949-29-2520
strona internetowej: www.italiantomato.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7691496, Longitude: 130.7495204

komentarze 5

  • n m

    n m


    The customer service of the young female clerks was a little rude. Maybe it was because it was a late Sunday afternoon. I can't tell through the mask, but the expression from the eyes looks gloomy. I felt it would have been better if they had responded with a little more of a smile. The taste was delicious ◎ Gentle homely feeling

  • 福原美和



    I've been using it for a few years now so I'll update. I was surprised that they were able to maintain low prices despite rising prices. When ordering, you will be asked about the timing of desserts and drinks. I ordered tea and was very happy that the cup was warm and the cake plate was cold. More than 10 years ago, I was forced to bring dessert after pasta and ended up eating warm cake after the meal, and I'm sure that won't happen again. --- I'll leave this post from 5 years ago for now. --- Use it when you want to have a leisurely conversation at night. The standard set includes pasta, cake, and drink for 1,000 yen. WAON point card accumulates.

  • Rin*。



    Itatoma after a long time🇮🇹🍅 This is a restaurant where you can eat pasta and cake. When I come to Itatoma, I always order "Value Combi" It's a great set that includes pasta, cake, and drink♪ It’s great that you can choose whatever you like✨ ---[Value combination]--- 〇Carbonara 〇Dekopon tart 〇Hot coffee Pasta is classic carbonara🍽 The sauce is plentiful and mixes well with the pasta, making it delicious 😋 And the dessert cake is a Dekopon tart for a limited time🍰🍊 All the cakes here are large 😳 Sweet and sour Dekopon and sweet tart ♥ Even though it was after a meal, it was refreshing and delicious♪ Recommended as it is reasonable considering the volume ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )

  • miyabi E

    miyabi E


    It's inside Aeon Nogata, so it's nice to park your car there. I visited at 3pm, which is when I thought it was too late for lunch. I ordered the value combination for 1,150 yen. A set of your favorite pasta + drink + dessert. I actually wanted to get a large serving of pasta (+100 yen), but the cake was so big... As expected, I was full from the cake. A large serving of pasta and a drink would have been nice. The strawberry shortcake was delicious with fresh cream and not too sweet. Cake is nice once in a while. Thank you for the meal.

  • r h

    r h


    The set of pasta, dessert, and drink was 1,265 yen (tax included). There is no sea urchin pasta advertised on the official website. Only simple drinks are included in the set. No display on storefront. The noodles were perfectly al dente and the sauce was piping hot, so someone with experience might be able to make it. Homemade and delicious pasta. The size of the cake is about 1.5 times the size of other stores, but perhaps because I chose a pumpkin pudding cake, the taste was very average... It's located in a shopping mall where there are a lot of families, so I could hear babies crying from outside. but! It's great that they are working hard on this set at such a reasonable price. Easy to enter even by yourself. You don't have to worry about clothes either. I feel at ease.

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